Chapter 27

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3rd POV

"I'm sorry what?"

Ezra asked, he was eating cereal, Fallon on his left with Kyra occupying his right.

"The beach,"

Bianca explained

"The old alpha and Luna have a reserve beach house and they're letting us stay that weekend."

The school had no sessions on Friday or Monday because of conference's so they had an extra long weekend.

And the weather was quite warm despite the autumn season approaching.

"The beach? We haven't been to a beach in so long,"

Fallon explained excitedly. Her and Louise seemed equally excited.

The group talked all morning about the beach trip. Seeming more excited each minute. The parents let the kids go by themselves. So they were pretty thrilled.

Though Celine couldn't think of much. Just the fact on how she could get closer to Kyra.
This might be a good chance.

The group packed earlier that morning and left quickly once they were all checked and ready to go.

Fallon, Ezra, Louise, Kyra, and Bianca were all in one car while Celine, Zion, and Taylor were all in another car.
Much to Celine's and Zions dismay.

The drive was about an hour long, most of the group were on their phones or sleeping, it was a quite ride.

Once they finally reached their destination the group parked the two cars, and they all piled out.
Celine stretched the minute she got out of the car, some of the other following suite.

She looked over to see Kyra getting out of the car, her eyes glancing around her as she took in her surroundings.

Celine herself looked around.

The cabin was actually a set of a couple of small cabins, typically used back packs of wolves, which was mainly the reason why Celine's parents had bought the site in the first place.

So the pack would have a place to rest and retreat to.

There were about 4 cabins in total, they were quite small and had two bedrooms each. The group figured that they would be in the cabins in pairs.

The beach was a little bit away, there was a small trail that could be seen that they would have to guess led to the beach.

The group got their things from the cars, only to realize that they didn't really have a plan for who was going to stay with who.

The group all turned around to face each other, in a sort of group huddle only they were farther apart.

"Ok so wants to stay with who?"

Bianca asked looking around the group.

"I can stay with you if you want,"

Taylor said pointing to Bianca,

"Alright and the rest of you?"

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