Start from the beginning

One thousand years passed without seeing his daughter, it was as if it was yesterday he held your motionless body in his arms. A depressed sighed escaped his lips as he closed his eyes, 'How did I end up like this? I want my child back.' He thought as he opened his eyes, only to see a small body of a baby floating in front of him. Sukuna held his arms out and the baby gently landed on his arms. He held you securely in his arms and looked at you with a sad eyes as you cried in his arms. He sat down and started to rock you to sleep.

 He sat down and started to rock you to sleep

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"Shh, my child. It's alright, otou-san is here now." He whispered as you calmed down for a bit. However, Sukuna noticed some water drops landing on your cheeks which confused him. It was too late when discovered that it was his tears landing on your face and that your baby body aged to the age you 'died' at.

 It was too late when discovered that it was his tears landing on your face and that your baby body aged to the age you 'died' at

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With the tears still landing on your small face, Sukuna frowned and growled under his breath, "I will kill them all for what they have done to you, no one is going to escape my wrath." Sukuna hugged your body closer to his chest as if you would return to life by his embrace.

His eyes snapped open and he found himself still in his innate domain. He let out a roar of fury as he kicked one of the skulls of his throne, "I will show them all! Once I control the brat's body, I will make them suffer to death!" He screamed in anger and desperation.

Your 'death' made Sukuna has an omnipresent rage toward all sorcerers with no exception.

"They took her away from me! My child was killed because of them! But I will never let go without vengeance!"

Sukuna was determined to exterminate the jujutsu shamans for what they did over one thousand years ago. They must prepare themselves for the killing spree the king was planning to do once he is free.

 They must prepare themselves for the killing spree the king was planning to do once he is free

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Author Note:-
Hello dear readers...
First of all, I hope you enjoyed the chapter to the end and came to your expectations. Second, OMG!!!! This story reached over 100K!! I'm so happy for this. It's all thanks to you guys, thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting on the chapters. I'm always grateful for you and I love you all. Thank you all for reading this book and I hope you enjoy it till the end. BTW AND JUST TO CLEAR THING, ALL OF THE PHOTOS ARE NOT MINE. THEY BELONG TO THEIR RIGHTFUL ARTISTS.

Until we meet again.

Be safe and amazing.

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