I closed my eyes as I tried to remind myself that I was still hurt for what he did to me, but I couldn't help it. My heart fluttered stupidly at the sound of him calling Maia our daughter.

    If it weren't because of the pain part of me still felt about him and the flea market Nancy Drew, I would've closed the distance between us and kissed him. Instead, I turned to face him, opening my mouth to speak when something hard smacked me from behind.

    "Oh— I'm sorry. I didn't— are you okay?" stammered Ravi, as his head poked around the door to see what or rather who he just hit with it.

    "I'm okay." I assured him, rubbing my head discreetly, trying not to make him feel bad.

    The minute he noticed Evan's presence in the closet, his face changed from embarrassment to pure panic.

    "Can we help you with something, probie?" Evan exasperated.

    "No, Bu—sir. Sorry.  I'll come back later." Ravi closed the door before Evan could yell at him even more.

    "Sir? Seriously?" Crossing my arms across my chest, I stared at Evan. "Why are you being such an ass to him? He also has a name, Buck, and it's Ravi. Stop calling him probie."

    Whatever cheap excuse he was about to give me concerning the terrible treatment he was giving the new kid, the alarm went off, cutting our conversation short.

"I thought we were having Mexican tonight." Ravi said in confusion examining the food in the container he had in his hands as we help set the table for dinner.

"Yeah, Cap switched it up."Hen plopped down on her seat waiting for the rest of us to join her. "He didn't want to trigger me so soon after you turned my gurney into a taco."

"Still don't know how you did it." Eddie shook his head, laughing softly.

"Well he managed to fix it." Uncle Bobby patted Ravi's back who gave me a grateful smile. I winked at him in return. "And apparently you can now disassemble a chain saw in under a minute."

Silently, I took a bite of an edamame as I noticed Evan walking over to the table with a weird look on his face while he looked at us. The blank expression he had on made it almost impossible for me to figure out what in the world could possibly be going on with him now.

Sometimes keeping up with Evan's moods was a tiresome extreme sport.

"Oh sorry, am I in your seat?" Ravi started moving chairs nervously after noticing Evan's blank stare.

"No. You're good Probie." He said, taking the seat across from mine.

"Alright let's eat." Uncle Bobby said, passing around the bowls.

"Hold on, Cap. There's something I, uh, I wanted to say to all of you. I really loved being a part of the 118 these past 5 years. This place and, uh, you guys mean so much to me. Which is why for the good of everyone I've decided I'm gonna put in for a transfer." Evan announced making everyone around the table freeze.

First he bosses poor Ravi around like he was running for the Lieutenant position and now he was leaving. I honestly don't even know how his brain operates anymore.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now