"What?" I ask dizzily.

"I don't think the guys are ready to leave and I need to make sure everyone gets back to the tents safely. Just rest a little," he tells me. Whatever protests I might have had vanished the moment Elija takes the clip out of my hair and starts playing with it. The last thing I remember thinking was, best hair treatment ever.


"Is she okay?" I hear a voice say from a distance. Who the hell is speaking? I could have sworn I was riding a hippogriff just a moment ago.

"Yes. Now shut up or you'll wake her," another voice replies. The words hardly register but I notice the ground beneath me is rocking. That makes my eyes snap up only to realize I'm being carried.

In a moment's panic of being kidnapped, I push at whoever's arms I'm in. My attempt at freeing myself nearly succeeds as the person stumbles.

"Whoa, it's me, Florence. I'll set you down, hang on." I recognize that voice. Elija. Damn me, if I had known it was him I would have pretended to be asleep.

As it is, I enjoy the way the guy's arms tighten around me as he regains his balance. Then he slowly sets me down but holds me by my waist as the world around me tilts a bit.

I laugh, unable to help myself. "I think I like beer," I tell no one in particular.

"I think I like having you sleep on my lap. Though I'd prefer it if you were sober," Elija tells me. That finally makes my eyes rise to meet his.

"You're really tall," I say. Then I cover my mouth with a hand as if I'd said a slur. Finally, I feel stupid for both actions. "Sorry, something seems to be wrong with my filter. You know you're tall. Not freakishly so of course. In a good way. I'm not saying short people are unattractive. You'd definitely be good-looking either way. I mean-"

"Florence." Elija stops my rambling by gently placing a hand on my cheek. My mouth clams shut and my cheeks heat up.

"Sorry," I say, wishing for the second time that day that the trees could swallow me whole. Remind me to never drink again.

"No need to apologize. You're cute when you ramble." My heart's beating at that ridiculously fast pace again. The unhealthy one, you know? This boy's going to be the death of me.

"You can't say things like that," I tell him, making him laugh.

"I can't?"


"Why's that?" he asks, still smiling so sinfully handsome.

"You're confusing me," I tell him. His smile drops a little.

"I am?" he says quietly. I simply nod, holding his gaze. I get the feeling I shouldn't have said that and I'll regret it in the morning but what's there to do about it now?

Seriously, what is? I need suggestions.

"Where's that little head of yours drifting off to again?" he breaks the silence.

"Just wondering if I need to leave the country tomorrow." That earns me one of those laughs I love to hear so much. It also makes me more aware of the position we're in right now. Elija's hands are still on either side of my waist and our chests are nearly touching. If he looked down, I'd only have to get on my tiptoes and our lips-

"I told you not to drink that last beer. Eli, I need your help carrying Jamie!" Orion yells from wherever he's standing. Elija groans and shrugs apologetically before letting me go.

He takes my hand instead and starts pulling me to the rest of his friends. There, he pretty much hands me over to Marcus before he goes to help Jamie.

I'd expect it to be awkward, holding hands with Marcus but he's actually really sweet about it. He doesn't sound sober either but it's not stopping him from telling me when to pay attention to the ground.

I lose sight of where Elija and Orion went with Jamie but Marcus makes sure I get to my tent safely.

"Thanks," I tell him as I pull my hand from his.

"Of course. Drink some water before going to bed. You'll thank me tomorrow." With one last smile, he stumbles off to wherever his tent is.

Hi guys. Just to be clear, I don't support underage drinking. That being said, I'm European which means 17 is above the legal drinking age:))
Hope u r having a great day/ night and don't forget to vote<3
Btw. Make sure to check out my TikTok in case u haven't yet:) @bookacc1

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