Chapter 17

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"Have you seen Florence anywhere?" I ask my friends as the other students start getting on the busses.

"Nope. Maybe she's already inside." Jamie shrugs and follows Orion into the vehicle closest to us.

"You coming, Eli?" Marcus asks, stopping in the doorway, thereby effectively keeping anyone else from entering. I'm convinced he's the only person going to this academy who can do that without getting yelled at.

"Safe me and Florence a seat," I tell him. I know she's not in any of the other buses since I've been scanning the crowd for her since I got here. Besides, I think she'd come find us if she were here. Just to make sure, I send the girl a quick text asking where she was.

"Five more minutes to take off, kids! Everyone get on the busses!" Mr. Hank yells. Not many students are still outside but I don't make a move to join my friends in the vehicle. I simply stand next to one of the doors so I can stall a bit.

They can't leave if I keep the door open and I am not letting it close until Florence walked through it.

"Elija! Stop messing around and take a seat!" Mr. Hank snaps at me, leaning out of the window of a bus nearby. The ones surrounding the vehicle my friends are in start filing out of the parking lot but I refuse to get inside. Florence hasn't answered me which means she's probably on her way. It's unlike her to be late. I'd bet my right foot she is freaking out over it.

"Florence isn't here yet," I tell him calmly.

"Florence?" The man groans, looking skywards as if asking for strength. Then he mutters something under his breath and glares back at me. "If your ass isn't placed on one of those seats in the next five seconds, I'll come out there and drag you inside. Don't make my job any harder than it already is." I'd feel bad for him but at the exact moment he stops talking a new voice reaches my ears.

"I'm here! Don't drive!" I see Florence running across the parking lot to reach us, nearly falling over her suitcase in the process. I try my best to stifle a laugh.

"Oh thank god. I thought we were about to have a tent shortage situation like last year," Mr. Hank mutters.

A very out-of-breath Florence finally stops in front of me, bending over with her hands on her knees as she wheezes slightly.

"You good?" I ask, still trying not to smile. Don't blame me. If you had seen the way she ran over here you'd be cracking up.

"Yeah. Totally. Just need to- catch my breath. Ran- all the way," Florence tells me between breaths.

"You take a second. I'll just put your Suitcase away." I grab her luggage and open the storage area on the bus while the girl tries to tell me I don't have to do that. "Florence, it's already done," I tell her. She finally stands up, wipes her forehead with the back of her hand, and smiles shyly at me.

"Thanks." Her cheeks are really red but I'm not sure if it's just Florence blushing like she often does or because of the heat. Either way, our teacher interrupts our little moment.

"Both of you, IN THE BUS!" Florence flinches and apologizes profusely while I shoo her into the vehicle, no longer hiding my laughter.

Inside, Jamie waves us over. My friends are taking up two four-seater booths, if you will, and I see they've saved us two seats. Florence damn near slumps in the one beside Benji who's quick to hold out a bottle of water for her.

"How did you manage to be late? You're always on time," her friend asks while she drinks up.

"Yeah, Lorence, don't you live like right next to school?" Orion adds.

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