mama knows best

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Wes sat downstairs in the front room listening to music with nothing but the Gorillaz's Damon Days album on repeat, well one particularly song Feel Good Inc. playing though his headphones that were completely soundproof, that he didn't hear his mother's key unlock the door or step into the house until he felt his headphones disappear from his ear.

And was startled to see his mother standing before him behind the sofa, with his headphones placed in one of her heads."no wonder you couldn't hear me" Judy scowled her breath lifting up her brows. "Oh hi mom how was work?" the blonde boy greeted his mother pathing the side of the sofa beside that was empty.

"Oh you know honey the usual, how was school today?" the deputy smiled sitting beside her son. "It was alright, Mindy, Chad, Liv, Amber and I gave a tour around Woodsboro high to a new student today." Wes explained with a grin spelled on his lips. Judy's expression changed as she was remembering something.

"Mom are you ok?" Wes questioned concerned at the reason why his mother became silent between their conversation. "It's ok sweetie I'm find" she reassured him before she spoke up again inquisitive "the funny thing is Wes my old friend Jeff's daughter just started at Woodsboro high today."

Wes's brows lit up hearing Judy say those words."Jeff is Jem's dad" he exclaimed gobsmacked. "that's right" Judy nodded "Jeff and I go way back and I hope you and Jemimah will do the same." the deputy admitted nonchalant returning the headphones back to it's rightful owner,."His Wife Fiona is a total sweetheart and I'm sure Jem is too."

Wes smiled and thanked her."yeah Jem's a really nice girl"., he added "and who knows you two meant even get married someday." Judy told her son leaving the boy speechless for words. Soon the awkward silent between the two was broken ,when Judy pats Wes on the shoulder and exclaimed before getting up and heading towards the kitchen in an upbeat sing song tone "I'll go make dinner."

Wes chuckled to himself placing his headphones back on again, resuming the same song he was playing once before.

A/N : I really didn't know what to do for this chapter but you I hope liked the little Wes & Judy scene. And I also i wanna say a huge thank you to everyone whose read the story since I posted it online Sunday just gone. This is the first ever scream fanfic I've written in my life and I'm having a blast writing it for you all and I thought Wes would be the right character to write about as I feel like he was quite underused a lot in the actually movie you're know I'm what talking about if you seen scream 5. So stay tuned for the next one.

INNOCENT? x wes hicksWhere stories live. Discover now