Our Last Night

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"So, how's the party going for you emo boy," Charles says as he ruffles Noel's hair. Noel notices the Coke bottle in Charles's hand, it was half empty. "Isn't that-" Noel gets interrupted by someone shouting in the kitchen, and they sound really mad, Noel recognised that voice.

"CHUNNI DID YOU TAKE THE LAST COKE BOTTLE!??!" Joni yells from inside the kitchen.

"Well, you are sure to get chased by her if you don't hide," Noel tells Charles who is startled by the shout from Joni. "HAHA- You're right, let's go," he gives out a harsh laugh from his throat. Noel looks at him confusingly, "Why?" Charles looks at him, "I have to talk to you about something important," he says.

Noel is dumbfounded by his senior's words but he still hides with him in the balcony anyway. It was hard to get through the crowd, Emilia's house was big and could fit nearly the whole of Year 6, it was their afterparty and most of all the graduates were invited. Some of their junior friends were invited too, and Noel was invited by Charles and mostly to tag along with his brother too.

They reached the balcony, barely anyone was upstairs, it was already dark, the moon shining brightly and visible white stars in the black canvas was shown. It was a great night for a graduation party. 

"Don't you want to hang out with Mia and the others, you might not see them often after," Noel tells his senior, who ignored his protest and continues walking to the balcony. Charles leaned against the railings, Noel sighs and leans against the railings too. 

"Yeah, you're right." Charles sighs. "I won't see my friends often again..." also sad by the thought of going to different schools. He isn't ready for the new life without his friends, he isn't ready to find new ones either. Noel feels pity, he wonders if he would have to separate from his friend one day too.

"What did you want to talk about anyway," Noel asks. Charles hums and doesn't answer him, Noel watches as he gulps from the coke bottle.

"You like that person, don't you?" Charles suddenly says as he turns to him, he could see the stunned look on Noel's face, well he didn't expect any other reaction than that.

"What?" Noel asks again even though he has heard what Charles said.

"You like that boy, don't you?" 

"I DON'T LIKE HIM!!!" Noel yelled so loud Charles was afraid anyone downstairs would find him with the last bottle.



"I never said who," Charles chuckled, leaving Noel to blush, Noel scratches his neck, a habit which Charles noticed when he is flustered.

"You...you don't think it's weird?" Noel asks again.

"Not at all, I don't mind," Charles tells him while ruffling his hair again, "And I don't mind talking about it either," Charles said winking, Noel groans by the response.

"Don't say his name," Noel says covering his face with a hand and Charles nods. "You seem happy around him, why is that?" Charles asks, Noel doesn't answer for a while. "He...I guess...ugh...why don't you just mind your own business!" Noel shouts at him, but it didn't bother Charles. "Sorry, it was too straightforward huh," Charles says chuckling softly, "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it-" 

"He just sees me differently I guess..." Noel answers. "To everyone, I'm the bad kid who causes trouble," Noel sighs unable to make the right words. "I barely have any friends, I get bad grades...I can't be like my older brother, HECK even my little siblings are doing better than me and Ugh...it's COMPLICATED," Noel drops himself and sits on the floor, his back leaning the railings of the balcony. 

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