13. A Mournful Day🧁

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As snowflakes alighted on the sides of Casey's cold face, he made a promise to his mother. "I will find your killer and make sure they get what they deserve. No matter what it takes, I'll keep my family safe."


Later that evening, Casey let Wyatt play outside in the snow. They stayed in the backyard, engirdled by a wooden fence. Footprints covered the snowy ground as Wyatt focused on building a mini snowman on the patio.

It had only been a few hours since they buried his mom. The truth settled painfully in Casey's heart, but he tried not to let his grief consume him. He needed to stay strong for Wyatt and his father, who'd locked himself away in his bedroom. Casey considered taking Wyatt out to eat for supper, letting his dad grieve and have the alone time he needed.

The screen door creaked open as Lani carefully descended down the step. She tugged her beanie over her bright red hair, zipping up her coat.

"Hey guys." A ghost of her breath wisped in the air.

"Hey." Casey rubbed at his freezing red nose. "Dad is still in his room?"

Lani nodded. "I knocked on the door earlier, seeing if he wanted us to make supper tonight and if he needed anything. He said to just order pizza and put it on his debit card. I guess he just wants to be by himself."

"Yeah, I understand. I heard him playing their song not too long after when we got back," Casey told her. "The one Mom always loves to play around Christmas. I always forget the name, but she said it played on their first date."

"I remember." Lani's smile faltered. "I can't believe she's gone. Like, I keep expecting to see her come through the door like always. Let this be a horrible nightmare, ya know?"

"Yeah, if only." Casey sighed.

Wyatt kept building his little snowman, adding sticks for the arms. He'd been quiet since they got home but he brightened up just a bit when Casey suggested they play outside in the snow.

"I'm going to find her killer," Casey said. "After those assholes tried to attack me, I can't just sit and wait around for the cops. What if they come after Wyatt or you or Dad? I just... I won't let that happen."

"No, I get how you feel." Lani stuffed her hands in her coat pockets. "I want to kill this bastard myself. Especially when I heard about what happened to your car. You're lucky you didn't get shot."

"I've got August to thank for that," Casey admitted.

"Don't tell me you're still talking to that guy. He's dangerous! Casey, come on. Be sensible. You almost get shot and he happens to be around? That's no coincidence," Lani said.

"August didn't set me up. Why go through the trouble of warning me and saving me then?" Casey countered. "That's ridiculous. He wants to help us."

"The cold must be getting to your head if you really believe that. August wants to help no one but himself. You're just too blind to see that," Lani told him.

"There's something else." Casey hesitated, gazing over at Wyatt as he continued building his snowmen. "August told me that the police are considering Dad a suspect in Mom's murder."

Lani frowned. "What? No, that's absurd. Why would they do that?"

"I don't know, but I think when I got attacked last night, they might've changed their minds. Cuz it's obviously not my own dad trying to shoot me down," Casey replied. "Whoever came after me must be the ones who killed Mom. I'm sure of it."

"You need to be careful. Sticking around any of these gang members is a horrible idea. Even August. I don't care if he saved you once. That doesn't make him your friend or someone you can trust. The best thing you can do is keep a low profile and worry about keeping Wyatt safe. Let the police handle this. Maybe they'll leave you alone if you're not doing anything."

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