11. Wild Night🧁

Start from the beginning

"Jesus." Casey shook his head. "But they know how they made him do that. They threatened our family."

"In their mind, they think he should've come forward to the police instead of acting on his own," August explained. "I know it's bullshit, but I wanted to warn you. Before they arrested him."

"I don't understand why you're helping, but thanks. I appreciate the head's up," Casey told him.

"Like I told you, I'm just repaying the favor. This has nothing to do with Veronica either," August replied. "I owed you a favor, and this was it."

Casey nodded. "Since I'm here, I might as well order a drink. I need one after everything that's happened these past few days."

"I'll get it for you," August said, waving a bartender down. "I'm the one who invited you out here, after all."

"Thanks." Casey told him, putting his order in for the bartender.

"So, what do you plan to do now?" August asked.

Casey frowned, taking a sip of his drink. "What do you mean?"

"Are you gonna tell your dad about this tonight or let him get surprised tomorrow when the cops show up?" August questioned.

"How could I tell him without letting on that I've been talking to you and Veronica?" Casey shook his head. "Besides, you might be lying to me or maybe your information isn't good."

"My sources are good," August replied. "I've got a guy on the inside with the cops. They're considering your dad a prime suspect in Detective Lockhart's murder. At first, they considered the killer's the same person who offed Detective Luca Patterson like two years ago. You know who he is, yeah?"

"Uh, yeah. I remember my mom working with him some," Casey replied. "He went undercover with the Voiceless Rebels and they turned on him."

August nodded. "That's the story. Now, they're wondering if his case could be connected to your mom's. Maybe she learned something about those rebels that she shouldn't have. They seem to always be connected to murders around here the most."

"Like what?" Casey asked.

August shrugged. "Could be anything."

"I still can't believe she's gone." Casey quaffed down his beer. "Like, I almost expect to wake up from a surreal nightmare."

"I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you." August reached a hand across the table, brushing the tips of his fingers against Casey's before withdrawing. He cleared his voice. "You don't have to stay here with me. I'm sure you'd rather get back home now. I just wanted to warn you."

Casey spared a glance at his phone, rising to his feet. "Yeah, I better go. I don't want to worry my family."

"Yeah, I better get going too." August got up, leaving half his drink before paying the tab.

A rush of cold air pelted Casey's face as he hurried out the door, avoiding the sets of eyes that fell on him. Why did they keep staring? Not everyone did it, but a certain group kept watching him the whole time. As he passed by them, their voices lowered to a hushed whisper and Casey couldn't help but wonder if they'd been talking about him.

Tugging his drawstrings of his jacket tighter, Casey braced the harsh wind and retrieved his keys, unlocking his truck. Just as he neared it, August came up on his left side, brushing closely against him.

"You're being followed," August whispered.

"Huh? By who?" Casey gazed back, expecting someone to be behind them. Nobody was there.

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