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~Deku's Point of View~

Since that afternoon in the boys locker room, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.. I was still doubting that it actually happened, even though I can remember every sensation I felt, every word he whispered in my ear.. We had sat there for a minute or two after finishing, just holding eachother, catching our breaths. But even when our lungs caught up, and our blood was full of oxygen, and our bodies calmed, we still held eaachother. It felt.. right. But he's Kacchan! And im.. Deku. So deep down, I knew all too well not to get attached. Nothings gonna happen between you two, you know this. You're gonna get dressed in awkward silence, he's gonna tell you never talk about this again, and you're gonna be left. And whatever passion we felt tonight is gonna be forgotten. We did infact get dressed,but it wasn't silent. Kacchan and I had a really nice talk, mainly just bullshitting around. We got dressed, and I got to see kacchan genuinely smile, and not because he's about to blast someone into next week. It was nice.. When we finished dressing and we're on our way out, it did become silent for a moment or two, but just because we kept looking at eachother. Like middle schoolers crushing in the park. I liked it.

After we walked to our neighborhood together, we finally parted ways. He left me with a soft kiss on my cheek, it gave me butterflies. "See you tomorrow.. Izuku.." He said quietly as he turned around and walked to his house. "You too- WAIT. YOU KNEW MY NAME THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!" I heard him slightly chuckle as he walked down the sidewalk. I smiled, and began walking home. I didn't stop thinking about him the whole way. The weekend was here, so I atleast didn't have to face the hard truth just yet. After what we did.. I could feel myself zoning out a lot, thinking about this afternoon, and just that afternoon. Head empty, with the exception of him.. And what he did, how he made me feel. What he said, what he did.. How he looked at me, how he touched me.. How I looked at him, how I couldn't stop touching him. My want and need for him only increased, as he was the only thing I could think about. When I'm in the shower, eating, sleeping, watching TV, it was always.. Just him. "Izuku? Are you okay?" My mom says as she slides my eggs off the pan onto my plate. "OH- UH YEAH I'M OKAY HEHEH. Sorry."

She laughs a bit, "You're so weird, just like your mom. You've been zoning out a lot, is there something on your mind?" It's more like someone. "Not really, just training. I'm still trying to catch up." She smiles as she sits next to me, eating her food. "Well I am so unbelievably proud of you Izuku. You're doing so great." I smile. We finish our brunch and mom grabs her coat and purse and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I wish I could stay all day before you have to go back to the dorms, but-" I kiss my mom on the cheek back, smiling. "Ma don't explain yourself it's okay! I'll be back by this weekend if I can." She hugs me tight, "Be safe please. You're doing great things but remember for the sake of your old mom don't get too hurt okay?" I nod hugging her tighter. "Are you sure you don't want a ride to the dorms? I can spare some time if you need." We end the hug, "Mom it's okay! I'm going here soon so that I'm there safely before sundown just like you asked. I wanna enjoy the scenery before fall comes, I'll be okay." She smiles and turns to the door, opening it. "Remember to lock the door on your way out. And text me when you get there!" I chuckle and nod. She kisses me on the cheek once more and exits the house.

I lock the door behind her and clean up brunch, stacking the dishes into the sink. I run the warm water and add soap to let them soak when I hear the doorbell. Did mom forget something? She has a key tho. I go unlock the door and open it to see.. Him. (This is a smut story, what do you expect of course its him.-) In a black tank and baggy sweatpants, he looks at me while his head stays low. Those piercing eyes get me everytime. "K-Kacchan? What do you need?"

"Can I come in..?"

The Lockeroom: Chapter TwoWhere stories live. Discover now