Part 7 Oli

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I yawned as I woke up, face to face with the creepy X on V's face. I yelled and jumped up, falling off the bed in the process. "You ok?" He peaked over at me on the ground. I put out my hand as my blood spikes surrounded him, "get away from me" I said. "Oli?" He asked. He looked scared. 'He doesn't love you' I heard someone whisper in my ear. I looked over and there was no one. 'You don't deserve all of this' another voice said. I shot a spike at where the voice was coming from. "Stop, go away" I whispered, I shot spikes where the voices were coming from. They were all over the walls. "Oli! Are you ok?" V asked. I shot a spike at his forehead, but stopped it when the tip touched his skin. He looked terrified. I closed my eyes and put my hands over them. I heard all of the spikes hit the floor as I pushed myself against the wall. I cried and tried to make myself smaller. "Oli, it's ok, I'm here" he hugged me as I cried on his shoulder. I calmed down and opened my eyes. The X over his face was gone. I grabbed his face and kissed him, then hugged him harder. "Your face is fixed," I told him. "Wow, rude, but I'm glad," he laughed. "I mean the X! It's gone! I think it's wearing off" I told him. "That's awesome! I'm happy for you" he exclaimed. We heard V's phone ring, "it's my parents, hold on" he answered. I got up and layed on my stomach on the bed. "They said they are on their way to pick up the kids. They want them to spend the week with mom and dad" V explained. "Vikki and Jim are coming to get the kids? We haven't had a weekend to ourselves in a while!" I smiled. He rubbed my back, "hopefully it will keep their minds off school" he sighed. "I hope so, I'll go get them ready, when will they be here?" I asked. "In 30 minutes, they just left," V smiled. I ran downstairs. "Children! Meeting!" I yelled down their hallway. "Wat" Millie peeked out of her room. "You're staying with your grandparents this week! You have 30 minutes to pack before they're here, then they will take you all to lunch" I explained. A roar of excitement soared through the hallway. I laughed as they started yelling for backpacks. V came behind me and grabbed my hip, hugging me. I patted his head, "your short" I laughed. He poked me with his horn and smiled. I wrapped my arm around him and looked out onto our kids arguing about sweatshirts. About 30 minutes later V's parents arrived. "Mom! Dad!" V said, hugging them. "Vikki! Jim!" A gaggle of kids ran and hugged them. "Are you guys ready to head to our house?" Vikki asked. They all brought out backpacks and hauled them in Jim's truck. "I'll see you guys on Saturday! I love you!" I yelled from the front door. "Love you!" They all yelled back, before driving off. I closed the front door and sighed, "what do we do now?" I asked V. "Well it's a Sunday night, and I arranged a dinner reservation at 8 and it's 12, so we have a couple hours," V explained. "Wanna go upstairs and relax?" I asked. I picked him up and headed upstairs. He started licking and kissing my neck. I set him down when we got to our room. As we stood there making out we undressed each other.I put my hands under his shirt and took it off of him, then I grabbed his hips and pulled them close to mine. I took off my shirt and pulled him closer to me. I held his head and kissed his neck, while pulling my hand down the front of his sweatpants, caressing his penis as it got harder and harder. He slightly moaned. I couldn't take it anymore, I took off my pants and underwear, I sat him on the bed before taking off his pants.I picked him up and put him on my lap while I sat on the edge of the bed. He adjusted himself as he rode me, I grabbed his ass cheeks and hit him harder against me, he moaned every time he came down. After a while he stopped and gasped for breath as I was still inside of him. I licked his nipple and he moaned, as I sucked, and played with them. I laid him down on the bed and started kissing his neck, I grabbed his hand and pinned it next to him. "You doing ok V?" I asked. "Yes, keep going," he gasped. I grabbed his hips and he lifted his legs up so I could put myself inside of him. With every thrust he moaned. "I- I'm gonna, ahhhh" he came all over me. I groaned as I came inside of him, he moaned all over again. I gasped for air and helped him off of the bed. He gave me a kiss, "we should go clean up before we leave, I'll run a bath" he said, walking to the bathroom. I changed the sheets and followed him in, "can I take one with you?" I asked. "Yea, I assumed we were gonna bathe together, sorry I didn't make it clear" he laughed. We turned on the bathtub and turned on some music. Our bathroom was big so we danced around, laughing, as the water warmed up and filled the tub. We finally got in and I washed his hair as he told me about the book he was reading. After we got done washing ourselves I cuddled him from behind, pushing our bodies together so we were touching. "You ok Oli?" V asked. "Yes, I just liked cuddling with you" I responded, putting my head on his shoulder and kissing his cheek. He giggled and continued on with his story. We sat there for about an hour, just talking and cuddling. V checked his phone, "shit we only have 30 minutes, we have to get ready!" He quickly got out of the tub and dried off, I did the same. I got dressed and V got in a cute dress with fishnets and pink platforms. I was the complete opposite, with my long black jacket, shirt, jeans, and platform boots. "Can you help me find my hair clips?" V asked. I looked on his desk and picked up some small pink bows. "These?" I asked. He nodded and came over to me so I could put them in his hair, "you look so cute!" I said as we walked out the door. I locked up the house as V started the car. I hopped in the passenger seat and we headed off, we got there just in time and walked in. "Hello, we have a reservation for V" he said to the lady at the front. "Alrighty, follow me" she brought us to the back of the restaurant to a two person table with a candle in the middle. "Aww how cute, I didn't know they did that" I smiled as I sat down. The waitress gave us menus, "what do you think you'll get?" I asked V, "I think I'll get the salad, what about you?" He responded. "I think I'll get a steak" I said, we made small talk before I excused myself to the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands before calling my friend. "Hey Lars, you can start decorating... Yea I'll make sure we park on the street... yep... thank you so much.. bye" I hung up and made sure it was still in my jacket. I smiled before I left. When I returned to the table the food was there with water, V was waiting patiently with a napkin on his lap. He smiled as I sat back down "you ready to eat?" He asked. "Yep, thank you for waiting" I smiled back as I started eating my steak. After we ate, I paid and we left. Talking about how we were gonna make shakes tonight. "Can we park on the road?" I asked. "Sure" V responded, parking on the side of the road. I grabbed his hand and told him to close his eyes, Lars turned on the fairy lights surrounding the driveway and got out his camera. I got down on one knee and took out a small box. "Ok V you can open your eyes now" I was grinning from ear to ear. He gasped as he opened his eyes. "V, you have been there for me in my hardest times, and I have been there for yours. So, will you marry me?" I opened the box, revealing a white ring with red diamonds, one big one and two on the sides of it. He cried as he hugged me. "Yes!" He smiled. I hugged him back and helped him to his feet. I put the ring on his finger, "I actually have something to tell you" he laughed nervously while reaching into his back pocket. He pulled out a black ring with a skull in the middle of the wide band, with diamonds for eyes. "Will you marry me?" He asked quietly. I hugged him and started tearing up. "What kind of question is that? Yes V" I pulled away as he put the ring on my finger. I grabbed his back with my right hand and his hand with my left, before bringing him in for a kiss. Little poppers popped behind us as Lars got the perfect shot. We pulled away and hugged each other. "Who is this? Care to introduce us?" V poked at me. "V, this is Lars, he is my childhood best friend, we grew up together and he became a photographer, so I hired him to take pictures of my proposal" I explained. Lars stuck out his hand, "nice to meet you V, I'm glad someone is finally taking care of Oli" he joked. V laughed and we chatted for a while. "Well it's getting late, I better go" Lars said goodbye before driving off. We went inside and made Oreo malts before heading to bed. I got undressed and got into bed in my boxers, V joined me. I hugged him as we laid down. "I really love you V, I hope we spend the rest of our lives together" I expressed. He smiled, "maybe if you can handle me for that long" I grabbed his face and kissed him before saying goodnight, he rolled over and I spooned him as we fell asleep.
"Oliiiiii" I heard someone say my name. I woke up and looked at the foot of my bed. "Pine" I growled. "It's nice to see you again, congratulations on getting engaged!" I got up and shook V, trying to wake him up. I flicked my hand and a wave of my spikes flew into Pine, he disappeared and reappeared with V, Pines hand was around V's neck, V was crying and trying to gasp for air, scratching at Pines hands. I leaped at Pine and he disappeared and dropped V to the floor, I held him as he gasped for breath. "I was just paying a visit, it's nice seeing you guys again" Pines' voice poured out of the walls, leaving as quickly as they came. "V! Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked him. He shook his head, "I'm fine, I'm sorry I didn't wake up in time" he looked at the ground. I hugged him, "it's not your fault V, nobody could have known he would have showed up here today" I tried to reassure him. We went downstairs and ate breakfast, "how does pine keep finding us? It's so stupid" I expressed my anger. "I have no idea, maybe somebody is telling him, someone close" V glared at his cup of orange juice. "Who do you think it could be, it can't be our children, or your parents, so who else?" I closed my eyes and tried to think of people, but I got a phone call. "Hello?" It was V's parents. "Oli? There is a person named Pine asking for you" Vikki said. I nearly dropped my phone. "I'll be right there" I managed to get out before telling V to get our guns. I got in my hero outfit before grabbing him and flying to V's parents.

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