The tour's tomorrow. Maybe I'll find out more about this place, about why we're here. And maybe I'll find out why I was attacked on my way home from school, on that bridge.

Until Tomorrow,

Dear Diary,
Dead. She's dead.
Maud is dead.
She was one of the group that came here with me, and I never especially talked to her a lot, or was one of her friends, but she was a friendly girl, and she was prepared to take risks to save people.
To save Evan.
To save Daria.
To save Sarah.
To save me.
I will go to her funeral tomorrow afternoon, and it will be a somber occasion. People will wear black satin and white lace, and cry tears that are dabbed up by a handkerchief. We will raise our glasses to her life and make our final goodbyes. We will make eulogies and resolve to respect her in death as we did in life.
And I'm not sure I can stand it.
It's not because I will be too grief-stricken to attend. Maud's death did not affect me that way - she was not Sarah, or Giddon, or even Ravetin. No, I think I will be unable to stand the funeral because no one's doing anything.

What's the point of standing around and crying over a lost live? I agree that people should respect her life and her last moments, but I don't understand why they do it through mourning. Mourning is sadness, and I don't feel sad. I feel angry, angry at the creatures that caused her death. I want to exact revenge on them, want to cause them the same pain.

But all anyone's doing is buying a black suit.

I'll talk to Sarah about it. I know she was closer to Maud than me, and so she might know what Maud would've wanted me to do better than I do. And whatever she says, is what I'll do.


Dear Diary,
It is time for the mission.
Today we go to avenge Maud's death.
I am dressed in full battle armour, but you wouldn't be able to decipher it from the front.
I wear a mail shirt under my sweater, and I am told it is enchanted so that no blade, arrow, or claw can pierce it.

On my legs I wear thick foam padding. The idea is to slow down the blade long enough for me to move or pull it out. My shoes are steel, melted a little so they are flexible enough to run in. There is an invisible shield around my head, and I carry a satchel that contains my sword, bow and arrows and magic ingredients.

I am ready.

The plan is to slowly infiltrate the headquarters of the Movopare, then spring out. We'll go in twos. My partner is Noah. We will go in first, and find a good hiding spot. Then we will signal to the next pair, Sarah and Emma, and they will make their entrance. This will repeat until we are situated all around the compound.

I am told that we are outnumbered 2-1, but I don't think much of the information. Two is nothing to me, and if everyone takes two, we should be finished our attack in no time at all.

But something makes me wary.

According to the ancient folklore, the Movopare outnumbered the Warriors 20-1 long ago. I didn't think they would have filtered out this fast- we haven't. That may be the reason in itself.

There is a knock at the door.
I have to go.


Dear Diary,
The attack didn't go as planned.
Not at all.
We infiltrated the headquarters quickly enough, but when we sprang out to fight, they were ready. And they were numerous. I would say it was at least 20-1, if not more. I fought vigorously, remembering Maud and soon others as I watched them die before my eyes. I must of killed 300, 400. And they weren't kind to me either.

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