"Taehyung's my first choice."

"B-But dad! He's not even into business." She raised her voice, pointing out every flaws Taehyung had. "He's drinking, and been partying a lot! He's also been dating different girls for the past month. And add to that, your good-for-nothing of a son is gambling and racing illegally!" She then received a slap from their father. He then pointed at her and his eyes were glaring at her.

"Don't you dare speak ill of your brother!"

"He's never done anything good but you praise him so much, while I..." She clutched and punched her chest. "I did my very best, for a good reputation in hopes of following your footsteps. And yet you choose him!" Tears were already streaming down her face. Their father was still mad and attempted to hit her again but their mother stopped him.

"Don't. She's your daughter!" She cried to him but he just pushed her away. And pointed back at Miyoung.

"You! You get out of my sight before I could do things!"

And with that Miyoung ran out without nothing in her pocket. She crouched down in the middle of the street. Crying her heart out. A car was about to hit her but then it stopped right in front of her. She blocked the light from her eyes and saw a dark figure coming towards her. A man. A man offered his hand to her and helped her get up. But then she ran away, without having the chance to meet the man. He has seen her but she has not seen him.

Miyoung went to the bar after that terrible flashback. She bawled her eyes again which she promised not to but her emotions got to her. 'Stupid emotions.'

She asked for Aunt Roberta. "Woah, heavy drinker, I see." She just glared at the barista and later he handed her the cocktail glass with the said drink.

She gulped it in, in one go and asked for another. The barista wanted to question her but it wasn't his business. He saw many girls like that every night, but she was different from them.

"Just keep handing me after I finished the glass." She ordered. The barista just nodded and did wiping and other things whilst she drank the cocktail.

Miyoung stared into emptiness as her finger circled the edge of the glass. She still had her welcome home party and she's going there, drunk. Few more shots, she placed few bills on the counter and left. She was already drunk and was swaying from side to side.

She dialled the chauffeur's number and it took a while, but for Miyoung, it took centuries, because her head was spinning like hell.

The audi later stopped in front of her and the driver opened the door for her and guided her in.


          TAEHYUNG TAPPED his foot on the ground, whilst glancing at his watch and the main gate as if waiting for someone's arrival.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see Minjeong. "Oppa, do you know where eonni is?" He should know because after all, he was the last person Miyoung has gone to, but apparently no. They weren't close enough to exchange that information, so he shook his head.

"I'll play Clair de Lune tonight, and I practiced hard to make it perfect." She boasted and her brother squished her cheeks, making her lips pucker. "I bet my little sister does good in everything. I can't wait to see your performance."

He then let go and Minjeong smiled. As always, he was the supportive sibling.

Their parents were busy entertaining guests, which mostly were business partners. Taehyung eyed them, he couldn't see himself doing that in the future. He wasn't ready to become one. His father locked eyes with him and he immediately turned away, but too late, because he called him.

"Taehyung!" He muttered several curses under his breath. He's going to call him to boast him to his friends, again. He turned to his father upon being called and flashed a small smile. His father signalled him to come closer.

His father had a wine glass on his other hand, and the other patted Taehyung's shoulder. "My son here, will be the next candidate of TelePro Enterprise [Sorry for the lousy name! T^T], to become the next Chief Executive Officer under my guide, and there's no doubt he'd win that spot." And just like that, few more talks about Taehyung like he wasn't there, the three men laughed. Taehyung now had no clue what they were talking of. He excused himself, saying he needed to go to the restroom, but he wanted to just escape that mini gathering with other businessmen. He wasn't comfortable.

Later, Miyoung showed up, smiling. Her walk was straight and smelled better. Like she didn't come from a bar. She greeted several people and made handshakes with them. Miyoung was eyeing her parents.

She saw that her father was talking with two other men, so she grabbed a drink from a passing waiter and came close.

"Mind to join you, gentlemen?"

The two were obviously shocked from her overwhelming beauty. Staying in France for several years surely made her even prettier.

The father didn't hesitate to introduce her to his friends. "My eldest, Kim Miyoung." Miyoung then gladly accepted handshake from the two men.

"It's a pleasure meeting you." She didn't know their names, and never cared knowing.

The talk went on until it got to the point where she got the chance to talk about her success in Marseille. She boasted about her big star clients such as Beyoncé and Rihanna. Of course, men were astounded to hear it, but her father grew sick of hearing it. Whatever made him hate her so much, she just doesn't understand why.

They kept on talking until a host was heard, announcing Minjeong's performance, to start the evening.

Minjeong breathed in and out and took a seat on the piano stool, adjusting everything else before starting. As soon as the music started, it was like a soft hymn for everyone. Everyone fell in love with the music and admired Minjeong gracefully playing.

"Look how talented Kim's daughters are. And the son, I don't know." Miyoung heard it and smirked.

If it weren't for their dad, Taehyung's rebellious ways would've been exposed to the world, but of course, he paid the media to keep their mouths shut. His partying, gambling and racing habits never die.

The song went on for a while and when it was finished, everyone applauded Minjeong.

Miyoung's eyes scanned the gate, waiting for her favorite person to appear.

"Akira! You've arrived!" Taehyung's father immediately greeted Mina's father and gave him a man hug as they've been friends for a long time.

"I'll never miss your daughter's welcome home party, you know."

The two men made their way to the table to talk about things. Mina's mother mingled with other socialites, showing off her diamond necklace which was bought in the United States.

Mina watched as both her parents blended well, whilst she didn't know everyone. Luckily, Miyoung was there and found her right away, because her beauty was eye-catching the moment they entered the residence, so Miyoung had her eyes on her.

"Mina!" Miyoung called out to her and Mina right away turned to Miyoung and smiled. "Miyoung eonni!" 

She saw how Mina struggled with the six-inch pumps, she eyed to see a small piece of band aid peeking out. She then raised her brow to Mina. "Did they have you dance again for hours?" Mina couldn't lie to her, because to her, Miyoung was more of a family to her than her own and to Miyoung, Mina was a sibling to her more than Taehyung and Minjeong.

Mina nodded. Miyoung right away dragged her, but Mina hesitated. "Eonni, it's your party, people need you here." But Miyoung just shrugged and dragged her away from the crowd.

They got to Miyoung's old bedroom, she was in awe because everything was still the same and in place the way she left it. She guided Mina to sit down to her bed and went to her bathroom for first aid.

Mina smiled bitterly. The only person who cares for her was someone she's not related to.


I want you all to fall for Miyoung's character, she's actually a softie. She's just broken, covered in jealousy and hatred. :(( This is more of her chapter than Taehyung's. And Mina, too.

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