Broken Imaginations

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Land of Ishness characters belong to Ish Ishness, they do not belong to me. All rights reserved to them. OCs are Rose and Gaia.

"You need to take your meds, you can't skip them like you did yesterday. Quit doodling and just take the pills, Rose."

The pen was snatched from her idle fingers as dull lifeless eyes with barely a hint of a spark behind them took in what looked to be the beginnings of a daffodil. Her gaze flicked over the image, trying to remember why she had drawn it, what had prompted such musings, but as she swallowed down the offered medication, the memory floated away from her, like so many others. It had been months now, since she'd had a dream, or a full night's rest for that matter. Ever since her brother-in-law had over heard her talking to his littlest about never forgetting to dream big and to let her imagination soar to the highest stars, he'd been harping on her about growing up. Being an adult. Stop messing with childhood musings. Just because she still believed in magic, that her mind wasn't lying when she said she saw beings from another world playing with creatures in the forest, or a werewolf dancing with some of the sickest moves out in a meadow. No, she was to give up such childish thoughts and GROW UP. They'd taken her to a doctor, and then came the pills. So many, so caging. With every swallow she felt that part of her that made her happy, made her HER, slipping away.

It'd been three days since she's slept now. Pacing her room, muttering about the flower girl with the pearlescent skin that changed with her moods, about a land of...A land of...

"Why can't I remember?! It's right there! They're right there!"

Her voice broke as she pointed out at the mirror, out the window, at her own head as she paced once, twice, thrice around the room before bolting to the window. Throwing it open, she slid out into the moonlit night, the full moon guiding her as she fled her prison. Running, chasing really, trying to find what she'd lost. Into the woods behind her house she went, chasing what she'd forgotten, desperate to find whatever it was once more. To fix what had broken inside of her. Branches clawed at her clothes and hair, clinging like fingers, trying to drag her back. Howls filled the night as she found her way into the meadow where she was sure...So sure that's where he was...Where...

"Who is he...Where is he.... I forgot....I don't..."

"Well well well, look what we have here...Fresh meat. Out here all alone....Tsk tsk didn't your mother ever tell you not to go out on a full moon?"

Laughter lifted into the night air as wolves.... No, werewolves stepped out of the tree's shadows, their grinning faces causing her heart to leap in her chest as fear took hold. Her foot steps carried her back as they advanced.

"You...You're not him."

"Not who? No one's coming for you. You're gonna die out here, after we've had our fun of course."

Her gaze flicked from one set of glowing eyes to the next, searching for...Someone. There! There he was! She knew those eyes! Angry orange gaze bound forward, sliding to a stop in front of her as he turned and snarled at the pack before them. Her gaze took in his back as she tried to remember where she knew those eyes, that back from. They gave her a sense of happiness and protectiveness, but her mind wouldn't let her grasp how she knew these things. Every time she tried, they slipped into the fog. While she was waging war mentally with herself, the one before her was waging war on her behalf and before she knew it, he was pulling her along, telling her to run faster, helping her to move through the forest. He protected her until they got to what looked like tunnels or a sewer system. With so many twists and turns, it was enough to make her head spin, but they finally came to a stop. With only their labored breathing to be heard, Rose assumed they'd lost their would-be hunters.

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