Rengoku x reader ✨angst✨

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I'm sorry but I have to.

Rengoku was currently fighting an upper moon demon as I tended to Tanjiro and Inosuke wounds as best as I could.

I could sense them both wanting to do something to help. I knew that they knew they couldn't do anything but I had to reassure them that it was okay.

"Even if you guys did go over and help you would only be in the way. You guys are fast but not hashira and upper moon fast. They move to quick and the attacks are too strong. Plus you are both injured. Please just rest for a little bit while rengoku handles the demon." I told them.

Tanjiro nodded though clearly he still wanted to help as he watched this scene. Inosuke just stood there not knowing what to do.

I could tell rengoku was starting to falter at some of his attacks. I could go help. I was at the same level as him. But I might be a distraction. I decided against going to help and I stood on the sidelines with the boys.

Akaza struck his arm through rengokus stomach. "RENGOKU!" I called tears starting to fill my eyes. The sun was starting to come up and akaza noticed. He tried pulling his arm back but it was stuck. Rengoku has his other arm stuck in his grip. I ran up to them and akaza ripped his arms off.

He tried running away but I quickly followed him and decapitated him. Of course it wasn't easy and was very hard but once I did it I rushed back to see rengoku talking to Tanjiro.

I ran up to them and wrapped my arms around him. "Rengoku.. don't waste your breathe. You have to control your breathing so you can survive.." I said, restraining my tears.

He looked at me and smiled. "Tanjiro," he looked back at him. "Y/n will go with you to my father and brother. She knows where to go." Rengoku told him. Rengoku told me what he wanted us to say.

He wrapped his free arm around me to comfort me. At this point I was crying. I was trying to cry silently but it wasn't working. Small sobs were escaping me. I knew he wasn't gonna make it but I didn't want to believe it.

"I killed him for you.. and I'll kill the rest of the demons for you kyojuro.." I said, more sobs escaping me. I pulled away from him and kissed him, knowing this would be the last time I ever got to. When we pulled away he smiled one more time at everyone then stopped breathing.

"Kyojuro.. I love you.." I whispered. Tanjiro was looking at me with pity. I stood up, pushung down all of my emotions. "Let's go." I told them.

They were shocked that I stopped crying and mourning so quickly. I looked at them. "Get up. Let's go." I told them again. Suddenly the two were both crying.

Zenitsu walked over and we explained what happened. Inosuke was telling them to train and Zenitsu was trying to understand how this could've happened. And Tanjiro, he probably had it the worst out of the three. He couldn't accept that he passed.

"Oi.." I said looking between the three. "We can't control what's happened but we can control what we do. Me and Tanjiro will have to go to the Rengoku estate to talk to his brother and father. That will be after he heals though. We need to get you guys to shinobu so she can heal you." I told them.

A few hours later~~~

Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu we're all getting medicine and resting.

Whenever Tanjiro decided to run away to the Rengoku estate~~~~

I saw Tanjiro sneak out, following Kyojuro's crow. I followed him and he ended up going to the Rengoku estate. I walked beside him. "You know you aren't fully healed yet right? Also be warned his dad drinks a lot so he probably isn't in his best state." I told Tanjiro.

He got scared since to him I popped out of nowhere. Senjuro walked out of the house and saw me. He immediately ran up to me and hugged me. "Hey y/n!" He said excitedly. "Where's Kyojuro..?" He asked.

I crouched down to his level and hugged him. "He was fight an upper moon demon and he got killed. He wanted me and Kamado-San here to tell you and your father some stuff." I told him.

Suddenly his father spoke. "If he can't even beat an upper moon I don't wanna hear it." He said. Shinjuro started trash talking Kyojuro and Tanjiro got mad.

He stood up to shinjuro and went to headbutt him but senjuro called after him and shinjuro slammed him into the ground. "Shinjuro!" I called loudly.

"You can't talk shit about your son who is respected by many and not expect backlash from it. You're being disrespectful to your DEAD son. Did you think about that for a second? He was loved dearly by everyone except you. Hell you gave up on senjuro to and he's just a kid! Chill out." I scolded him.

I knew it wasn't my place but he had never hurt me before. He had only ever yelled at me.

"Oh what would you know! You're not in my place!" He yelled back.

I walked over and pushed him off of Tanjiro. I helped Tanjiro up. "We told you not to come until you were fully healed because of this. Your wounds are gonna open again." I told him pushing him away.

Me and Tanjiro went and talked with senjuro about the hinikami Kagura. Senjuro said he didn't know anything but showed us a book with ripped pages.

Eventually Tanjiro decided to leave and I stayed to comfort senjuro.

"Come here senjuro.." I told him. He crawled over to me and I just hugged him. "We're gonna get through this together Yknow?" I asked him. He nodded his head and cried a little bit. (OMG HE IS SO FRICKING ADORABLE 😭)

He and I went to Shinjuro and senjuro told him what Rengoku said to. I walked in and senjuro closed the door. Shinjuro went to drink his sake but noticed he was out. He slammed the bottle down and started crying.

I sat next to him and rubbed his back. He immediately grabbed my arm not knowing who it was. When he realized it was me he let go and just looked forward. "What?" He asked.

"You really need to let out some emotions other than anger sometimes." I said laughing. He sighed. He was trying to control his tears but it clearly was not working. "Just cry shinjuro. You lost your son. You could let up your asshole act for a minute or two so you can grieve." I told him.

Slowly more and more tears were falling down his face. "I never got to apologize. I never had the ability to say I was proud. He became the hashira that I couldn't.. all him and senjuro can think is that I hate them." He said.

"I mean that's how you act. You abused them, mentally and physically." I told him. "You can't act like you did nothing wrong. Since senjuro is so nice, if you treat him right you can at least have a good relationship with one of your sons. You didn't have the chance to fix your other relationship so fix this one." I told him before standing up.

I walked to the door and was about to walk out when he called for me. "Yes?" I asked, just wanting to go home to deal with my own emotional problems. "Thank you I guess.." he said. "No problem" I said then walked out.

I went to find senjuro. I hugged him. "If you need anything just send me a letter or something and I'll come to you okay?" I told him. He nodded his head and I left.

Back at the headquarters place lol-~~~~

I went back to my estate and grabbed my huge pillow. I then ran over to Kyojuro's estate and laid in his bed. I cuddled the pillow and went to sleep, crying.
1377 words. I don't think this was too angsty. Lol anyways have a good day/morning/night!

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