3 times avengers are caught+ 2 times petelle are caught

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1-Bucky and wanda

"such a long day" This here is peter parker (soon to be stark but he doesn't know) he's 16, studies in midtown tech and 'interns at SI' but In reality He lives with the avengers, and is you friendly neighborhood spider-man, who's currently very tired as it was really a bad day for him. but poor thing little doe he knows its going to be even worse

"I just need a cheeseburger or oh some Italian and maybe a hug or two.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" peter practically yelled turning around , he had walked in on bucky and wanda half naked making out

"MY EYES, MY POOR EYES, AHHH, OH GOD I WILL NEVER BE UGGGGG!' he turned around his back facing them, while the said couple were covering themselves and laughing at his reaction 

"cmon pete, we were just making out"

"well how would you feel tot walk in on your practically sister and  brother making out---ugh damn this day, you know i just leave.......please continue in this in your  room" Peter said before rushing out of the room leaving the couple laughing


2-Steve and Nat

"Hey Tasha, the Russian the quote you used to say, can you telL----AHHHHHH" peter was going to to enter nat's room but when he saw steve and nat making out like half naked under the blankets he just slammed the door shut and went out "My poor eyes , why do why is it me UGHHHHHH! I JUST SAW MY AUNT AND UNCLE MAKING OUT EWWWWWWW, I AM GONNA GO AND DROWN..pls lock the door" And peter ran away not giving nat or steve time to talk

"Did he just call us aunt and uncle" steve asked, to which nat nodded "yup, and now can we resume"

"of totally but Fri Lock the doors" Friday happily agreed


3-Tony and pepper

"Tony, tony i need a break from this schoooooo............HOLY FUCK!" Peter yelled as he covered his eyes and turned around so fast tony was sure he would break in half

"Oh, peter, um"

"pfft, this is gold"


"oof peter you poor thing, tony stop laughing" pepper said giving a glare to tony

"Pfft-Oh ahem, why did you come here" Tony said trying to control his laughter

"NOPE NEVERMIND  I AM" he pauses when he hears his phone ringing he picks it up and sighs "Thank god you saved me em, Yes please I'll tell you what happened" and with that peter left 

leaving tony and pepper confused, embarrassed and laughing

"Okay, that was...wait he called us his parents" Tony said shaking pepper by her shoulders

"Yes i heard it too,"


+1-Petelle (Caught by potato squad) (btw potato squad is not original)

before the teens

"Cmon loser we have been going MI for to long, aleast the potato squad should know"

"i know love b-but"

"A-are you embarsed of me"

"no em, never, i can scream loudlly and tell everyone your my girlfriend proudly"

"I know baby, but why don't you want to tell them"

"its just what if it doesn't work, you know after it gets to stressed and all and i-i don't wanna lose you not now when i started loving you--"he was interuppeted by her kissing him

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