Chapter 3 Decision

Start from the beginning

A knock on the lab door interrupted Otto as he reached for his notes of the Black Death. The voice inside Otto's head smiled.

"What is it? I told no one to disturb me at this time." Otto called calmly with dignity.

"Sir, Kallen Kaslana of the House of Kaslana has come to visit you."

"Ah yes, let her into my library. I'll be there in a moment."

"Right away sir!"

"Oh and Richards."

"Yes sir?"

"Please prepare a tray of desserts."

Otto smirked to himself before heading out of the lab to get ready. A shower, a change of clothes, he had to be presentable.

'To think there would be a time where she would visit me formally.' Otto thought sadly.

The venue, the procedure, and the attitude were the signs of changing times in their relationship. Had it been like before Kallen would never have gone through the trouble of knocking on the front door. A trouble maker by nature, Kallen's early childhood meetups with Otto involved her sneaking past the guards to tap on Otto's window at night. The first time she snuck into Otto's room caused Otto quite a fright. The Apocalypse mansion was alerted to kid Kallen's presence at the time and a servant fetched her father who came over immediately to take Kallen away. After the incident, Kallen's visits became more frequent, so much so that Otto would leave the window to his room open every night. An action that caused no shortage of problems for kid Otto, but that's a story for another time.

<Apocalypse House Library>

Kallen paced slowly around the library. Two floors, both filled with shelves and shelves of books with various desks and tables scattered around its sections. The Apocalypse family library was a waste of space. The family rarely used the library save for Otto, they had their own rooms stocked with books necessary for their studies. History, politics, and any books that would help the Apocalypse family lead Shicksal were all stacked in the rooms of Otto's siblings, cousins, parents, aunts, and uncles. These books were a symbol of status in the family, a sign of investment and privilege. Otto held no such books in his room, despite his outstanding achievements, his weak body and intelligent mind made him both their greatest asset and their weakest member. Simply put Otto grew up unloved by his family partially because they saw no potential within him, even after his great achievements and contributions to society they saw little strength in his mind. Much like how the Apocalypse viewed the Kaslana family as their soldiers, they viewed Otto as their researcher. To be loved Otto had to have a strong body, a sharp political mind, and leadership qualities. He displayed none of them on top of having no desire to become a leading member of Schicksal. He understood his family regarded him as less than trash ever since he was little. Unable to closely interact with anyone else save for Kallen, Otto only saw the worst in people. When he became old enough to go outside and explore the city at the tender age of ten Otto had already developed a disregard for any human life that wasn't Kallens.

The library double doors creaked open. The butler Richard walked forward to respectfully address Kallen with a bow. A maid followed close behind carrying a tray of desserts Otto ordered for Kallen.

Richard was a quiet man. He had served the Apocalypse household for forty years and the house had unquestionable loyalty in him. Richard was a man of modest stature. His face was stern but kind. A sharp jawline complimented his short mustache that covered his mouth and large bushy eyebrows fused with his glasses gave him the look of a grandpa. His gray hair cut short and combed back as was the standard for servants of the Apocalypse house.

"Miss Kaslana, Master Otto will arrive shortly please make yourself at home."

He directed Kallen to the sofa set that sat at the center of the library right under the massive and eloquent glass chandelier that lit up most of the library. The maid placed the tray on a coffee table next to the sofa Kallen decided to sit on. She stood by to prepare to serve Kallen.

Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die For Me/ Book 1: PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now