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This is for my little sister, she always wanted to know how I felt about her.

I've been lucky enough to face life first

To have experiences and failures

We don't have much of a bond

Which breaks my heart

There are lessons along the way that has helped me be the person I am today

I want nothing more than to share them with you

As a big sister sometimes I feel like I failed because you don't take me seriously

I just love to see you laugh

Sometimes I be wanting us to be best friends since I don't have none

You are a great cook

Very stylish

Seem to be intelligent too

I remember when they took my car away

You became the big sister

Forever I'll be thankful

Forever I will always have your back and it's always been like that

Forever I will be one call away

No matter if it's my last dollar I'll make sure you straight

Through the ups and downs remember I'm here when others turn their backs

You know, it’s hard being a big sister sometimes

I always feel like I have to act perfect, look perfect, be perfect in order for you to appreciate who I am

Yet when I think these thoughts, I need to remind myself that I am human – and so are you

Sister, please don’t make the same mistakes I've made

I’m here to guide you through them

There are many times I wish I could help carry you

I apologize for the times I’m rough, blunt and sharp around the edges

Never forget who you are

When the world tells you that you are nothing, remember who He made you to be





Don’t live this life searching for what the world can offer

Search for what God has already offered

Believe me, I’ve searched for worldly things and in the end, I came back empty-handed, tired, bruised, and defeated

Things I wished I could tell my younger self
Don't waste time

Worry less, pray more

Yes you are worth it

Learn your lesson the first time

Save money

Set boundaries for yourself

You don't need a man to make you happy

Be your own best friend

I just want the best for you- always have

Love yourself first most importantly

Wish we could go back to playing dolls and sharing rooms

Singing a-long Hannah Montana

Those were the best days

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