Who ate my Pop-Tarts? (T.O.)

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Thor Odinson One Shot

Thor arose from his beanbag -which he had grown quite fond of - to the sound of crashing and clanging. 'Who on Midgard is making all that noise?' Thor thought to himself as he made his way down the hall in search of the culprit. He soon arrived in the kitchen to see a frantic and frustrated Y/N. She was digging through the cupboards throwing all its contents onto the floor. Thor cleared his throat in an attempt to get Y/N's attention. Her head whipped around to see who was needing them at that moment.

"What are you searching for?" Thor asked in hopes he could put an end to the racket.

"My Pop-Tarts." Y/N responded cold continuing her search.

She soon pulled a small cardboard 'Pop-Tarts' box and saw it was empty. As soon as she noticed, she chucked it in Thor's direction in anger. Fear glazed over Thor's eyes as he looked down at his stomach, knowing exactly where his friend's snacks were.

"Do you know who ate my Pop-Tarts?"

Y/N noticed Thor's body language and knew he was hiding something.

"Thor?" She dragged out raising both eyebrows making them look extremely intimidating. Thor could feel her eyes burning holes into his head as he looked at the ground. It wasn't long before Thor crumbled.

"It was me. I apologize Lady Y/N, I was hungry from my trip and I didn't think you would mind if I ate one. But once I ate one I couldn't stop, next thing I knew they were all gone. I didn't know how you would react so I tucked the box away so you would be unable to find it." He admitted in a ramble. Y/N weight was shifted to one side while her arms were folded across her chest. The scowl on her face softened as she began to speak.

"It's ok Thor I understand. I'm glad you came clean," A sigh of relief came from Thor after hearing his friend's response. "So that I know exactly who to kill!" She finished charging at the god.

Y/N snatched a few knifes off of the counter and threw two at her target. Thor panicked and ran as fast as he could. He thought about summoning Mijonir but remembered Tony would also be after him so he dismissed that idea.

With a knife in each hand Y/N nearly trampled her friend who was begging for forgiveness as he tried to escape her. People began coming out of the rooms they were in to see what was going on. Nat and Tony pulled out their phones capturing a good amount on video, Clint rolled his eyes at how big of a mistake he just made (From experience). Bruce was almost bulldozed by the stampede.

Y/N was so close to catching him when he hopped in an elevator escaping by mere milliseconds. Laughing as he made his assent. Both were winded by the amount of cardio they had just done. Y/N took two deep calming breaths before returning to her bedroom where she ordered plenty of prank supplies along with lots of Pop-Tarts online.

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