"Welcome!" Yelena cackles. Her blonde, bucket mane wiping wildly in the sea born wind. Hange skids to a halt. Yelena grins. "We've been expecting you." 

The battlefield freezes like a picture in frame. Even with Armin's titan, without the element of surprise, the scouts are no more than toy soldiers for the Jaeger brothers to toy with and step on at will. 

Zeke appears atop the wall, he is shirtless, and looking uncharacteristically grim. Perhaps that is because he knows he's won. Everything he'd ever wanted would soon be his. 

"Hold steady...." Hange hisses lowly to the trembling scouts behind them. A scout nearby you fidgets with their gun nervously. 

A dark shadow appears beside Zeke seconds later. You feel Mikasa's presence beside you darken.

"Hold." Hange grits. 

 Eren look warry, but his eyes are unreadable as ever. 

Zeke regards the soldiers below as an audience. His voice booms out over the sand as he begins his righteous lecture. "I'm so glad we were able to meet again-"

Eren's dazey eyes stare out unseeingly at his old friends and comrades, but there is little recognition in his face. Until he finds you. Cowering at the back of the party. Beside his former sister. His eyes light up slightly and a knowing smile twitches onto his lips. 



Eren's body slackens, as if suspended by strings. Then he is falling. Your heart jumps in your chest. The trembling scout holds a smoking gun, paralyzed with fear. Hange curses something. Mikasa clasps a hand over her mouth. Armin screams. There is a bright yellow flash...

And then the world goes dark. 

Drip, drip, drip, drip...

Your head aches when you wake. Your mouth is weirdly dry, and you spit up sand. 

"Has Hange been nice to you?" 

Your head whips around. There is a lean, dark figure in the corner of the cave you find yourself in. Eren leans coolly against the dark stone caging you in. His green eyes glowing in the dark. You stagger back but the floor that is supposed to be cold and hard, is instead soft and fuzzy. 

"Where are we?" You gasp dryly, looking around. The rest of the cave is poorly lit, but you can tell that something is definitely off. Everything is grainy, and the lights are blue. You smell nothing, just... emptiness. 

"We are at the crossroads." Eren explains calmly, reminding you that he is still there. "A place that exists connecting all eldians, although I suppose you must be the first non-eldian to ever set foot here." He muses and half of a grin quirks onto his face. 

His words circle around through your brain, and you remember the late nights you'd spent with him when he'd spoken of such a place. At the time it had seemed impossible, but now being here... 

You jolt when Eren slowly approaches you. Stalking out of the darkness but he moves as if magnetized. You feel it too. His touch is warm and gentle as he brushes a stray section of hair from you face. You do not dare to move. Eren's eyes meet yours and your heart aches in some weird, knowing way. 

"Don't you dare touch me." You say numbly.

Eren stops and stares at you, but there is no surprise on his face as he pulls away, only bitter guilt, which catches you by surprise. He takes a couple steps back, and glances away. "I suppose you should hate me." He says it as a statement. And you know it is true. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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