Chapter 1 - Reunion

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After nearly two weeks since I returned to Numazu, I've gotten through most of my recently bought games and figured that I should probably pick up something new. Thinking back on before I left, I remember there was this one game store that my dad would always take me to. After trying to remember the way there, I figured out the vague area I thought it was in. As I wandered through the streets, trying to use familiar landmarks to remember the specific location, I reached an area I remembered being able to see from the entryway to the store. But when I turned around, I came to see that the only shop in the area was a hairdressers.

"I guess they moved or something." I said to myself, slightly disappointed. I mean I knew that the place has changed in my time away but it still sucks.

With a sigh, I began to walk away, trying to remember where some other game shops were, when I noticed a glimmer off on the side of the road on a street up ahead. Figuring I had nothing better going on, I went out of my way to check it out and found what looked like a pendant without a chain or anything. The material it was made out of was a dark silver in color, and the design didn't seem like something I'd see too often, being a straight sword with feathered wings wrapping around it.

As I started to rotate it in my hand, planning to take it to a police box in a second, I felt a tap on my shoulder

"Um excuse me"

I turned to face the person trying to get my attention, only to see a girl with dark blue hair which was straight beside a bun on the right side, and pink eyes. My immediate thought was that she was cute, closely after by the fact that she kind of reminded me of Yoshiko, but before I start asking that, I figured that I could try and avoid asking until she's about to leave so that if we end up talking it won't be tainted by that if she isn't Yoshiko.

"What's up?" I asked

"That pendant you're holding is mine." she said "I was wearing it home and I didn't notice that something had happened to it until I got home, so I went back for it. I found the chain a minute ago and it looks like the clasp broke."

"I see, that really sucks." I said as I handed it back to her "Did something happen to the clasp to weaken it?"

"No, it just looks like it was some bad luck." she said

"It's just been a kind of unlucky day in general, hasn't it? I finally moved back here after nearly ten years and I just found out that something happened to the game store I used to go to." I said

"Do you mean the one that used to be back that way? They moved to a bigger location a couple of years ago, do you want me to tell you where it is?" she said

"That'd be great. I'm Y/n L/n, thanks for the assist." I said

The girl's eyes widened slightly in response as she said "It's really you? Hey, it's me, Yoshiko."

As I had my suspicions confirmed, my heart was filled with joy. I've really run into Yoshiko after so long. "I was hoping I could see you again Yoshiko, it was one of the things I wanted to do the most now that I'm back."

"Really?" Yoshiko said, a slight blush forming on her cheeks

"Well yeah, you're my precious childhood friend after all." I responded

"I see, I'm glad to hear that." Yoshiko said, a smile growing on her face

The more we caught up, the more I couldn't help but notice that it almost seemed like Yoshiko was hiding something. I think that I'm right about that, but I can't help but doubt myself, it's been nearly ten years since I've last seen her, and so with how much she changed, can I really say I'd be able to tell if she was hiding something? Because of those feelings, I ended up stopping myself from trying to get her to tell me.

"I should probably be heading home soon, I have something planned in a bit. How about I tell you the address the game shop moved to, and I'll see you again soon?" Yoshiko said

"Hey, I'll go there another time, but since you are heading back, how about I walk you there?" I suggested

"Alright, that sounds great." Yoshiko said

I then walked with Yoshiko back to her home, us talking more as we walked. After we arrived, I found out that she lived in the same apartment as nine years ago. It feels like she's the same girl as before, but I can't help but find it harder to fully reconnect to her because of how it feels like she's hiding a part of herself.

"Alright, so this is it. I'll see you around." I said as we reached her front door.

"See you then Y/n." Yoshiko said "And I'm glad to see you're still the same person as before, Y/n."

After that, Yoshiko went into her apartment, and I turned to head back home myself, figuring that I can just relax at home for the evening.


Yoshiko's Perspective

As I closed my stream, I went and sat down on my bed as I thought about my run in with Y/n today. I wasn't expecting to see him quite yet, and I ended up trying the best I could to hide my true nature from him. I don't want to lose Y/n, and so maybe it's for the best that I avoid letting Y/n find out about my status as a fallen angel. But still, there are the girls in Aquors who always treat me wonderfully and indulge me. I don't have to worry about putting up airs around them, and maybe Y/n would be the same way. After all, Y/n seems to be the same kind hearted person as before.

I groaned as I said to myself "Why can't I make a choice when it comes to Y/n?"

In the end, I decided that for the time being, I'll avoid letting Y/n find out about my status as a fallen angel, and maybe someday I'll tell him.

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