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Chapter 2

"You're almost there." Strange opened a portal and they both stepped out of the mirror dimension.

Abi had been staying in the Sanctum Sanctorum for the several weeks, training with Strange whenever he had the time. After the first session, when she had nearly brought the whole building down on their heads, Strange suggested they start training in the mirror dimension where she was less likely to cause lasting damage to the neighbors/.

"Can I get one of those?" Abi pointed towards the sling ring he always used to open portals.


"Why not?"

"Because I say so." Strange rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile. The two of them had become fast friends, but her power scared him. Since she first reappeared in New York, she had got stronger and stronger. Without Hydra limiting her and constantly rewiring her memories, the practice and the fights meant she had a better grasp of them than ever before. But she was right to be worried about her emotions. Strange knew that she was yet to harness her full potential; he could feel the energy surges that she always held back. One day she would lose control and what and whoever was in her way would regret being.

Strange tried not to dwell on her power. "Pizza?"

"I could go for pizza." She said as she picked up her phone from where she had left it on the table. There was one new message and she opened it: he's awake. She typed out a reply and looked back up at Strange. "Actually, I'm going to have to call raincheck on the pizza. I'm needed elsewhere."

"When will you be back so we can finish training?" Strange asked, watching as she summoned her bag and coat.

"Few weeks, month at most. Unless something else goes wrong on this planet." She pulled on her coat and walked down the stairs. "I'll see you soon."

"At least try to practice while you're gone!" Strange called after her.

"Don't worry, I will!" She called back as she pulled on her cap and walked out the front door.

It was already dark and the streets of New York were filled with people. She kept her head down and tried to stay on the less busy streets as she made her way towards the agreed position. The aircraft was cloaked but she could sense it was there. She climbed up the fire escape of an apartment block and onto the roof. The hangar door dropped in front of her, illuminating the inside of the otherwise invisible plane. She walked in and the door shut behind her.

"Thanks for coming to get me." She said as she walked into the cockpit.

"It is better than you causing a scene at the airport and getting arrested." Okoye smiled at her and pushed the plane into the air. "There was a situation in Wakanda. It has been handled." She added as Abi gave her a worried look.

The best thing about Wakanda's advanced technology was that it took next to no time to get places. They were back in Wakanda in time for the sunrise.

"Aren't we going to the city?" Abi asked as Okoye started landing procedures in a village out in the country side.

"He has been here since he woke up, says he prefers the peace and quiet." She looked at Abi as the plane came to a stop on the ground. "I will be back in a few hours, T'Challa would like to speak to you both."

"Okay, I'll see you soon." Abi smiled, slung her bag over her shoulder and walked out to the hangar.

It was early morning in Wakanda and the sun was starting to come up over the horizon. Abi shielded her eyes as the plane took off behind her. She set off walking towards the village. It was situated at the edge of a lake and she couldn't help but smile; she knew why Bucky preferred this. As she walked into the village, she didn't even have to ask where he was, the people smiled at her and pointed towards the edge of the lake. She thanked them and walked to where they had pointed.

For some reason, her heart was in her throat. It had been months for her, but for him, it would have been hours. She tried to remind herself that this time wasn't like the last times that had been separated. This time it had been their choice; no one else's.

Bucky's back was to her as she approached. He was looking out over the lake at the sunrise. She dropped her bag to the floor and he turned to see what the sound was. A smile came over his face as he saw it was her. She matched his grin, closed the gap between them and threw her arms around his neck. His arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her into him.

She pulled back and rested her forehead against his. "Hi."

"Did you miss me?"

She hit him gently on the shoulder with a laugh. "When did you get out?"

"Yesterday. Shuri did it, she got all of the shit out of my head." He was still smiling but there were tears of relief in his eyes. She brushed some stray hair out of his face and then kissed him. He kissed her back with the smile still on his lips.

She was finally home.

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