Chapter two

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• Mabel POV • 

Class had just ended and now it was lunch . I decided to eat outside, the weather was nice today.

As I seated myself, I plugged in my headphones and began with my lunch.
Walk through fire for you, just let me adore youuu .....
Halfway through my lunch, I was so indulged in my music that I didn't realise the figure approaching me .

"Uhmm...", he whispered lowly, letting his presence be acknowledged.

I quickly stopped my music and turned to him . I recognised him as the colourblind dude.
"Can I help you ? ", I asked in a half joyful half irritated voice.

"Okay listen bestie, I just wanted to become besties , " he replied in defence.

"Uhh is there a specific reason behind it ?" I asked discreetly.  "Oh who am I to think someone wants to be my bEstIe, its probably a dare. "  I thought as I rolled my eyes .

"Uh no specific reason, just wanted to be friends. I uh saw your drawing.. and those hearts are really perfect. I mean- not trying to be weird or anything, I'm not creepy or anything No no I'm not trying to do anything no  " , he stuttered out .

"CUTE " ,  i let out internally .

" Oh why thank you ," I smiled softly, "thanks for uhm not judging my drawing . " I showed him a tight smile.

As he was about to speak,  I cut him off , " oh silly me ! I didn't introduce myself! I'm Mabel, nice to meet you ! "

A soft pink lightly shaded his cheeks as he stared into my eyes then the ground , " Nice to meet you too Mabel, I'm Jin ."

"Sorry it's just that I don't really socialize much," he let out.
"Oh no, I totally understand don't worry ! ," I sent him a reassuring smile.

"Thanks ," he softly spoke. He smiled brightly , and I had an urge to pinch his huge cheeks . Before i could make sense of my thoughts, my mouth spoke for me .

"Can I squish your cheeks ?" I abruptly let out. I covered my mouth and facepalmed dissapointingly.

He was taken aback, to say the least .

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