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This one was my fav

Izuku is good at photoshop because he has his notebooks online as well as in-person because of bakugou burning his notebooks.

He's been using photoshop for years.

Edits photos of heroes initially (lighting etc.)

Makes an account to photoshop heroes with people bc he's poor.

Eventually, he gets a request from Shiggy (@Eraserheadstanxx) to edit him with Aizawa. Not knowing that it was him, he agreed. Shigaraki sent the picture, and Deku realized that it was a villain.

He almost tells Aizawa, but shiggy offers him more money, so he gets stuck

Shiggy tells him that he won't be online one-day bc of business; the next day, shiggy attacks USJ

After, he asks for another picture...of him being photoshopped as a student AT UA. Izuku gives in bc of the large sum of money.

Shiggy makes an Instagram just to post it, and AIZAWA FINDS IT; they tracked his IP address through the phone.

Shiggy got arrested!!!! LOL!!!

Aizawa asks Izuku if he photoshopped him with shiggy






There were many reasons that caused the green-headed boy to start to write online instead of notebooks. The less space it took up, the advancements in technology, the constant threat of his notebooks being ruined. He didn't initially like the idea of not having a physical book to carry around with him, but more and more notebooks got charred beyond repair, and he honestly didn't see any other choice. His best friend would bash him every day for being stalkerish or creepy. On worse days, his friend would grab his notebooks out of his hands, permanently burning the pages, causing the writing to be illegible.

Izuku Midoriya first began writing on his mother's computer after one particularly nasty day. Learning the keys by heart took a few weeks, but nothing the boy couldn't handle. Izuku wrote his information while adding photos and graphs later. On one of his walks from home to school, he caught the debut of the newest pro hero, Medusa. Her intense glare causes all who make eye contact to lose all control of their bowels. Not the best quirk but interesting nonetheless. The only picture izuku had gotten from her debut had a large shadow over her face. This caused the small boy to throw himself into this little thing called photoshop.

At first, it wanted much, removing a shadow there, clearing the picture here, and getting rid of the occasional bystander there. Although as the months went on, the more he learned. He wasn't a pro, but he was very good at what he did. When he turned 12, izuku learned more about the internet, realizing what he could do for others. It wasn't a hero, but it would have to suffice for the time being. He started by making an account with the @smallmight; then he made his first tweet,

Deku @smallmight

Hey Guys!! I will photoshop you with any Pro Hero; just DM me!! :D

His tweet didn't get any attention, but he didn't bring his spirit down. He continued to make his Hero Analysis for the Future while simultaneously improving and posting his pictures. His first client came to him during his third month of posting. It was a simple request of adding her next to her favorite pro hero, Midnight. While Izuku did not gain a hundred followers in a day, his fanbase steadily grew. It wasn't till his 12th client that a particular thought crossed his mind.

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