Chapter Three

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"Denis can I ask you something?"

"Yea sure, what is it?"

"Do you by any chance.. Have a lover of any kind?" Elijah asks me. I stare at him in confusion. "I.."

Before I could respond he dismisses it. "It doesn't matter, I shouldn't be asking you that this early. Apologises"

He gets up and leaves the room to go upstairs to the others. I'm not taken by anyone, he's the only person I wouldn't mind being taken by. He's so attractive. But why am i like this? He isn't gay... or into men.. is he? I need to stop being this way with someone I met yesterday.

Elijah pov

Why did I ask him that, it was so personal and weird. He hates me doesn't he. He does. Why did he wait so long to reply.. he didn't even reply. He has someone else doesn't he. Oh my lord I've fucked up, I've fucked up.

"Hey elijah you seen ethan?" Corl asks me as I sit down.

"No Why? Where is he?" I ask looking around and not seeing ethan any where. I get up and look around.

"Corl did you did you do something?" I ask. Clear worry and anger in my voice. "I SWEAR IF YOUVE DONE SOMETHING TO ETHAN-"

"Elijah its okay" I turn around to see ethan. I hug him and look for any marks on him. "Corl was trying to calm me down just a few minutes ago."

"Oh okay" I say with relief. I turn to corl and give him THE look. It wasn't bad or hatred. It was good? It was the look of i expect you to keep ethan safe. I headed upstairs to mine and Denis' bedroom.

Once i arrive to the bedroom me and Denis share. He was one the bed, fidgeting. His leg was bouncing. He flinched a bit when I came in, he ended up taking a deep breath and asked me "Hey, you alright? I heard you yelling downstairs"

I was confused on why he cared. But i shrugged it off and answered his question. "Yea I'm alright, just don't trust the others much yet, you know"

"Yea, it'll take you a while to warm up to them so don't rush yourself. Don't punch anyone though. Please." Denis says. I nod agreeing with his last statement. I sit down next to him and offer him a cuddle session. He seemed like he needed it. He accepted it and we get into a comfortable position for the both of us and cuddle for a while. I don't know how long we cuddled for but it was long enough for Denis to start yawning. He felt relaxed. Both of my hands were on half way up his torso, his torso was quite long... odd detail to add but I aint lying.

"Is it okay if I sleep for a bit?" He mumbles.

"Yea of course, want a blanket?" I ask him and he shakes his head. Not long after he falls asleep on me. I didn't notice how much of a peaceful sleeper he was, it seemed like he was I his own little world when he was asleep. You know. When everything went Denis' way. Soon after I fell asleep with him.

Ethan pov

I was downstairs with Steven, Alex and Corl. I was next to Corl since he was the only one i could sit with and I didn't wanna be alone. Steven was hugging his boyfriend, Alex. They were all talking, making jokes and just having a good time overall. I didn't speak much during the conversation, I just followed along with it not saying a word.

"I'm going to get some coffee from Starbucks, Steven wanna come?" Alex says getting up. Steven nods and gets his shoes as well as Alex. Soon after they head out and now its just me and Corl. I don't know where Elijah and Denis are.

"So, what do you like?" Corl asks me. He's looking at me, he had bright blue eyes. His cheeks were red but I assumed they were naturally red. His lips were plumped and pink.

"Well, I enjoy gaming and editing. I also like messing around with Minecraft mods, what do you like?" I ask him while still maintaining our eye contact.

"I like the same things to be completely honest with you. I just make stupid kids content because I have to, it's kinda what I signed up for when I came into the YouTube world." He says. I notice he almost lays a hand on my thigh but removes it. He stands up and laughs nervously. " anyway, wanna mess around with some Minecraft mods?" He asks me. I nod. We head down to his pc.

He starts up the pc. Silence is fills the air, not for long before he asks me another thing, two things actually. "Enjoying yourself? Anything that you'd prefer?"

"I'm enjoying it a bit, it'd be nice if the place wasn't covered in glass and stuff like that in the morning though." I know it is something they couldn't help, but I still said it. I don't know why.

"Ah okay, I'll try and work on that then, anything else?" Corl says to me.

"No not really" I say and add "I like how you wanna make me enjoy this place, I'm sorry if it's a bit forward but it's true. I also apologise for my brother, he's quite protective of me."

"There's no need to be sorry, I can understand where your brothers coming from. He wakes up, sees 3 drunk men. Who wouldn't be protective?" He says to me. "Why is this taking so long. I haven't even logged in yet." He complains.

"You sure you turned it on?" I ask, he nods. I go to where you turn it on. It isn't lit up. I check the cables and one of them weren't plugged in properly. I fix it and turn it on. Not long after it turned on to allow Corl to log in.

"Dude... your magic" he tells me laughing a bit.

"Nah your just stupid, one of the plugs weren't plugged in properly" I say starting to laugh with him.

Soon after he opens Minecraft mode and we end up laughing a lot given the mod looked stupid. Corl raging at the game was funnier though. Standing up for so long was getting tiring.

"Corl, can we sit down? It's tiring standing up for 2 hours" I say. Corl gets a chair.

"We may have to share since I only have one chair, are you okay with that?" He asks me and I nod. I didn't care. I was begging for a seat. Corl sits down and pats his lap signalling me to sit down with him, I sit on his lap and adjust myself so I'm comfortable. For some reason he made me feel safe. He felt like home.

Soon after we finish up with Minecraft and just watch random vine compilations. My eyes felt heavy. Before I knew it I was asleep on Corl while watching vines with him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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