Chapter Two

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Elijah P.O.V

I wake up, its still somewhat dark out. There was a lot of noise coming from downstairs, sounded like yelling and glass bottles shattering once every 5  minutes. I go to look at the clock beside the bed both me and Denis are sharing, its 2:00am, so its quite late for all the noise that's happening downstairs. I look over at Denis and he is just snoring his head off, must be a heavy sleeper. 

I head down stairs to be greeted with a drunk Steven, Corl and purple haired guy.. I still didn't know their name. "Hey Elijah, come have a few drinks.." Steven had told me, I shake my head as a no and Corl asks "why? scared of a little drink?". Both Steven and the purpled hair guy were laughing, and as Corl himself. I go down to where I assume Ethan is, I open the door and I see Ethan a sleep while holding a pillow, I'm glad he is somewhat safe. I go to sit next to the sleeping Ethan and wait until this.. what do I even call this? What ever it may be, I don't wish for Ethan to left down here alone. 

Denis P.O.V

I wake up to yelling and laughing, their all drunk again. Great. I look to my side and Elijah isn't there, please don't let him be an addict like them, I was starting to like him, he looks too innocent to even do such a thing really. I go to get my phone and Elijah's phone isn't there, I assume he took it so I decide to text him.

S-Elijah    D-Denis

D- hey Elijah were are you?

S- I'm in the bedroom Ethan's sleeping in why?

D- I didn't know where you went that's all, also why are you in Corl's and Ethan's bedroom?

S- there are 3 drunk men yelling, laughing and now no longer shattering bottles.. I don't even know 2 of them, my brother is asleep alone in one of the drunk men's bedroom, you know I really don't know why Denis

D- oh.. makes sense, you want me to get you anything?

S- maybe something warm, its freezing down here

D- mk, ill be there soon with your warmth then

S- thankyou Denis, your one of the nicest people I've come across

D- awe, thankyou and welcome

S- yw :]

D- :]

Elijah is really kind, and more protective of his brother than I thought. I get up, stretch and get one if my warmest hoodies for him, he never said what type of warmth he wanted so, its either hoodie or nothing. 

I head downstairs and as expected, the trio are drunk again, aka Steven, Corl and Alex.. what happened to them, what made them change so much? Especially Corl.. did they hurt him that bad.. anyway, I head down to Corl's room and Elijah is there.. ready to throw hands with anyone and or anything. 

"hey Elijah, I know this isn't much but its the warmest hoodie I could find.. hope you don't mind it" I say looking away from him and feeling my face heat up a bit.. I just met him, why am I getting these feelings so soon... sometimes I hate being a bisexual, just hate it, genuinely. "Thankyou, it feels soft and I haven't even put it on" he says, then he proceeds to put it on. It was quite big on him, but at least he wasn't cold any more, that's a good thing. "Its really warm and cosy, is this yours?" he asks, "yea, why do you ask?" "no reason, just smells like you". I heat up a bit after hearing that statement, compose yourself Denis, compose yourself.

"Denis, I'm getting tired, mind if we cuddle for a bit? I know its a lot for just meeting someone but.." Elijah asks, I sit down near to him, get comfortable and signal him to come towards me and we cuddle. Not even five minutes later I hear him snoring very lightly, I am slowly starting to adore this man very quickly. Not long after I fall asleep as well.

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