Chapter One

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Okay so let me tell you who I am. My name is Hunter, I am 17 years old and I love 5 Seconds of Summer. I used to be good friends with Michael but when I moved we lost contact we still chat on Twitter a lot now though. They mostly Michael literally saved my life. I used to get bullied in school but my father made me drop out. That is probably the only nice thing he ever did for me. You see when I was 7 my dad pretty much took me from my family in Australia and OH MY WORD!!!! That is 5sos right now coming out the door!!

3rd Person POV

Hunter was standing outside a restaurant waiting for her idols to go past so she could say thank you for everything. Her ex best friend, Julie who started bullying her is shouting at her and saying shit to her. Hunter doesn't give a shit if someone says mean things about her anymore. But when Julie started calling Michael ugly, Fat and a loser Hunter just couldn't take it anymore. She curls her hand into a fist and punches Julie's breaking her nose. Calum comes through the door first and starts talking to Julie to make sure she is okay. Michael comes out next and goes straight to Hunter asking her why she just punched Julie.

Hunters POV

Michael just asks me why I punched Julie, so I told him the truth and he looks like he is going to cry. I call Ashton over and he is gives me the WTF do you want face until he sees Michael crying. Calum walks towards us and oh gosh he has Julie with him. I look at Calum and give a soft 'Hallo' but Calum is having none of it and full on yells at me in front of the whole crowd of other girls who saw what had actually happened between me and Julie. I just look at Julie and ask 'Anything else you want to add?' And the cheek of her she replies 'Yea, the exact same thing for Ashton too!' Michael looks up from his crying and looks at Julie while muttering quietly so only I could hear 'I wish you punched her harder'. Probably not the best time but I just burst out laughing when I realise that Calum is still yelling at me. I am going to regret doing this but ' Please SHUT UP before you back her up can you at least hear what I have to say about it all. Now I would lie and say you were my favourite until now but let's be honest here, I have always been a Michael girl, which is why I punched Julie when she said Michael was...... actually hang on a second please.' I take out my really old Walkman and hand it to Michael. This could get slightly awkward when he listens to it because it's a mixtape that he made me before I left Australia. 'Sorry but he doesn't need to hear this again so Julie said that Michael was ugly, a loser, fat and pointless in the band. I got angry because yea, you can call me ugly fat or a hoe as matter of fact Julie already has but NEVER bring up people I care about or you will probably end up with a broken nose.' I realise that Michael has taken out the Walkman by now so just carry on anyway. I look at Julie and say 'This one is for Ashton and whatever you were going to say about Luke and Calum once they left you little spider!' And with that I punch her jaw but unfortunately also breaking my knuckles as well. The four boys look at me and ask why I said spider and not bitch or cow. I simply laugh and reply saying ' A bitch is a female dog so pretty, a cow is a lovely elligant animal who provides us with milk and meat. A spider is not the prettiest, pisses everyone off and most people don't like them it explains her and my father perfectly actually.' Shit I was not meant to say that oh fuck! Please don't notice!!!!

Before I know it Michael is lifting me up and taking me to the van, shit no I have to be home in 10 minutes. 'Guys, I have to be home in 10 minutes can you just leave me here please?' Everyone just blanked me, oh well I am in their van now and wherever they take me I am escaping this shithole. 'Hunter, why do you hate your dad so much and why is this place a shithole?' 'Okay, look guys it doesn't matter about my father okay? I do have a little problem, I have a crush on this amazing guy but I don't know how to tell him.' I swear when I said that Michael looked kind of upset. 'Anyway he is this big goofball with amazing hair and he has three over protective brothers. He is also completely oblivious to the fact that I like him.' The three guys give me a knowing look while Michael just looks like a kicked puppy looking out the window. 'So, Michael do you have a crush on anyone?' Thank you Calum, we are now even .... I think Michael gave a small nod and started crying silently but the others weren't comforting him or anything. I walked over to Michael gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek and said 'I am doing this #likeagirl but Michael will you go out with me, like will you be my boyfriend?' He answers with a little peck on your lips, with you smiling.

Until, Luke decides to say 'Shit, guys her knuckles they are all bruised and look broken' Oh snap!!! I grab my phone and call my friends sister. 'Hey Cassie, it's me Hunter. I punched someone and I have broken knuckles what do I do this time?' 'Oh my word! Did you finally punch that asshole called your father?' ' Nah, I punched a girl for being an ass about 5sos' ' Let me guess she said something mean about Michael didn't she? Naw someone has a crush on him!' 'Erm yea I do and also I am in the van with them and my phone is on speaker, that's okay though I think he already knew.' Michael interrupts your girl chat 'Yea, I really like her and I am wondering why she wouldn't just go to the hospital and get a cast on it?' Knowing this was bound to happen eventually you reply quietly 'I can't go to hospital because they will send me to my guardian. Which is my father and he kind of abuses me a good bit.' Cassie quickly rids the fallen awkwardness with 'Look Hunter, ice it as often as you can and put it in a bandage okay? Tell me when your out of the country and I will follow you out and fix it properly alright?' With a massive smile on your face you cheekily want more 'Thank you so much but can you also bring Fletch please I miss my brother?!' 'Haha anything for you my darling' Before you hang up I get in a quick 'Your the closest thing I have to a mother and you get the best Mom in the world award thanks love you!'

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