Chapter Two

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The vibrating of a phone woke me up from my deep sleep. Slowly letting my eyes open to look at my surroundings. The blinds were shut, but some light was still streaming in from the small slits in the curtains. It must have still been early as I could even hear birds chirping outside.

Slowly shifting to the side I saw my phone on the nightstand beside me. Taking the phone from the table I brought it close to my face before pressing down the power button. The screen is illuminated with the time 7:42 in bright white text. It was still early, at least to me it was early. I was usually one to sleep past noon most days.

That was when the door opened on the other side of the room, revealing a cleaned-up Cameron. It didn't even look like last night had happened. He was wearing a black button-up shirt, with a pair of nice black jeans, his hair laid nicely on top of his head. I also noticed that he was back to his normal shy self.

"I need to clean this up. You should get going. I bet you have better places to be anyways," he rushed out as he picked up my clothes, which he had already folded into a neat pile, and handed them to me. Most clients didn't want me to stick around very long, so I was used to being rushed out of the house.

"Okay, let me just go get dressed and I'll be on my way," I said quickly before jumping up and heading to the hallway where the bathroom door was wide open for me to go into. Once I was inside I let the door close behind me. Quickly changing back into the clothes I had had on the night before.

As I walked out of the small half bathroom, I could overhear Cameron on the phone. Now, I have always been one for customer privacy, but what I had overheard was different.

"Yes sir... of course sir... as always... everything is perfect... yes master... okay, bye sir..." before he took the phone away from his ear and ended the call. It was a very weird phone call, to say the least. Who had he been talking to? And who would be addressed like that? Before I could think anymore Cameron walked into the hallway.

"Oh, you are out, great. I'll show you to the front door," he said with a soft smile on his face. It was such an innocent smile. If that smile didn't work on someone, they were a monster.

Even though I wanted to know more, I accepted my fate and followed the younger boy to the front door of the house. Taking in all the things I didn't see the night before. Like the larger formal shoes that sat neatly by the door and the larger designer coats that also were hung neatly on the coat rake. None of the items looked like they would fit the petite boy.

"Thank you for coming, here is some cash. I hope that works. I had a great time," Cameron said softly as he handed me the thick wad of cash as payment for the night we spent together. I gladly accepted it, stuffing it into my jean pocket before turning away from him. Pulling out a cigarette as I headed to my car that was parked a little ways away from the house. Most customers didn't want people knowing that others were at their house, so it was something I did every time out of habit.

As I got to my car I let the lit cigarette attach to my lips, unlocking the door and sitting down inside the old van. It wasn't huge, but I knew that if worse came to worst I could live in it. I flipped the mirror down as I started my usual routine of looking myself over and putting away the wad of cash for safekeeping until I could take it to the bank. As I was about to leave something stopped me in my tracks.

I looked up to see a slick black SUV pulling up to Cameron's house. Parking in the driveway before a tall dark-haired male stepped out of the vehicle. He was at least six feet tall with wide shoulders and tanned skin. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Was this the guy that he had been talking to on the phone?

I continued to watch from afar as he walked up to the front door ringing the doorbell. And of course, Cameron opened the door. Bowing to the older male before letting him inside and shutting the large door behind them.

I couldn't help but have a bad feeling about what was going on. It didn't seem normal. It didn't seem like it was just nothing. After the phone call and now this it just didn't seem right. But I had always learned that I was just a prostitute. I just turned the other cheek and did my job. I wasn't allowed to get into other people's relationship drama. Especially since most of my clients were older men who usually had wives.

I couldn't help but sit in my car a bit, just to make sure everything was okay. But after about fifteen minutes it was clear that everything was okay. So I put the car into drive and headed back to my apartment building which was on the other side of town.

This small part of St. Louis was split into two different areas really, the eastern side and the western side. I lived on the east side which was known for being more trashy and had a higher crime rate. The western side, where Cameron's house was located, was a rich and nice neighborhood. But you had to have a pretty good job if you wanted to live here. The houses and apartments were very expensive. I could not afford that with my current job, it was almost impossible for me to even keep up with the rent on my current apartment.


Eventually, I got to my apartment building. It was old and hadn't been updated in years. The windows were barred and the paint on the windows was chipping. From the outside, it looked more like an old mental hospital, but it was an apartment building.

I sighed heavily as I made my way out of my car, taking any cash that was left in my car and stuffing it into my pocket. As soon as the money was safe in my pockets, I made my way to the entrance of the apartment building.

There were a few people outside the building waiting for a bus or loitering for money. I didn't understand why they begged for money here of all places. If you were leaving here you didn't have the money to give to other people. I know if I had the money I would try to give some to people, but I simply couldn't afford it.

"Spare change," an old man asked as he shook his empty hat in front of me. I felt bad as I simply walked past him, not saying anything. I felt embarrassed that I couldn't give them anything of use. Maybe one day I would be able to stop by and give him some change.

Once inside the building, I walked up the flights of stairs to my apartment on the sixth floor. The stairs dated this building as they were practically falling off their hinges. I was pretty sure this building hadn't had a building inspection in a long time. It was not up to code.

On the sixth level, I found my room, apartment number 605. I unlocked the door and stepped in. Shivering at how cold it was in the room. I had to make sure I turned my air conditioner off when I left or it would try to heat the room without anyone inside. So to save money, I completely turned off any air condition or heating until I got back. But sadly that meant I was going to be cold or hot until the air turned back on and got to work.

In the meantime I took all my old clothes off, putting them in my bag that I take to the laundromat every other week. Once naked I went into the bathroom, turning on the shower. Sadly I didn't have any hot water. So when I stepped in the cold water hit my back, making me cringe. But it was good because if I did have hot water I would want to stay in the shower all day. So really the cold water helped me not use so much water.

Once I got out I dried myself off and went into the main room of the apartment. Putting on one of my old band t-shirts, along with some black joggers. Just something to keep me warm while I took a nap before having to do everything I did yesterday all over again.

I laid down on my small mattress on the floor. It was not the most comfortable, but it beats sleeping on the floor or in the cramped car. I pulled the blankets up around my body to try and stay warm as I closed my eyes.

As I lay down trying to sleep, all my thoughts went back to Cameron. I didn't know why my brain kept thinking about him. There were never any other clients that I worried about. Maybe it was because we were so similar in age.

But no matter how I tried to justify it, I still couldn't get this aching feeling out of my stomach.


Here is another chapter! This one is a bit short, but I think it is important to read about! I hope you all enjoyed and please give me feedback if you could. It would really mean a lot to me!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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