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It's Chen's second month as a rookie and she was wondering what her T.O had planned for her today  so she walked toward her bathroom to take a shower and head to the station as she finished getting ready she stepped out the door


Bishop had arrived at the station and found Nolan just sitting there waiting for or something.

"Boot "she said

"Yes ma'am "Nolan stood up his reply indicated that  he knew she was coming

"What are you doing just sitting around doing nothing as if you are waiting for an angel to come down " 

"I'm sorry ma'am I just decided that to...." Before he could finish bishop cut him  off

"Boot you don't get to make decisions is that understood "Bishop says sternly

"Yes ma'am"Nolan said

Roll call

"So today everything would be different    from other days we will be entirely focussed on the  narcotics users , this will also be a test for the rookies to see if they can handle themselves  so you must remember everything that your T.O has taught you will apply out there " surgent grey

"But what about the usual crime sir " Chen asks

Good question Chen , Bradford do you mind ?" Surgent Grey says

" We have a special team for that when we are focusing on one thing to make sure the streets are safe" Bradford says facing Lucy with his cold face

" So now here to help us is  liutenant commander Steve MC Garrett " surgent grey says stepping down giving  mc garret space

"Ok so basic notes will be given out by Lu... ..I mean officer Chen "MC garret say making everyone's attention turn to Lucy  as she stands up

"Ok so liutenant commander Steve MC Garrett , leader of Hawaii five o task force in Honolulu  Most suspicious but comes in hand  Hawaii which

consists of the following members Daniel williams who we nicknamed Danny or danno  best detective , then we have kono kalakau who call kono cutest police has the best combat techniques  ,chin ho Kelly kono's cousin best sniper  then Lori Weston used to work for homeland security has the best hawk eyes then we have me an ex team member the quickest and fastest to come to the truth.

Everyone but Bradford was looking at her in awe they didn't know what to say until Nolan asked

"You were part of h50?"

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