Arc 6 Chapter 9 - Festival Part 4

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I sighed, and began to stroke her head, giving the damaged girl a modicum of comfort.

"Plus, you having lunch with me gives another benefit," Kikyou said with a smile. I looked down, before following her eyes to where she was looking.

A stiff smile was on Shinohara's face as she looked at the two of us. Kikyou was responding with a sickly sweet one. Once Shinohara noticed I was looking at her, she quickly turned away and went to eat with some of her new friends in Class C.

Kikyou began to giggle at the situation.

"What's going on with her?" I asked.

"Ah, that bitch has been talking about you all day since you started to win races. Apparently, she pissed of Karuizawa somehow and is kind of a loner in class now. So, she's looking for someone to boost her status, like Hirata did for Karuizawa," Kikyou explained.

"And did you explain to her that she's worthless to me?"

"In a nicer way, yes I did. She didn't seem to like it though. She's such an ugly cow, but she refuses to accept it. Disgusting pig of a girl, honestly."

They were harsh words, but I couldn't quite disagree. Shinohara certainly wasn't that attractive, but she kept her position through being a bully to those who disagreed. I guess Karuizawa had trusted my assurances enough to finally break off with Shinohara, no longer needing to stay on the same side of a potential bully for safety.

"I never explained what happened with the Class A participation table, did I?" This story would certainly help Kikyou's mood improve.

"Oh, I was wondering how you did it. So, who's the traitor?" She asked, voice peaking in curiosity, although she didn't move from our current position.


"Bullshit." Understandably, she didn't believe it.

"I'm serious. To protect one of her classmates from being bullied to dropping out, she gave up the participation table and is keeping quiet. You said that she hasn't been very involved, right?" As I explained a light suddenly grew in Kikyou's eyes.

"Hahaha that's so cruel! So she has to stand there and watch as everything falls apart. Oh, I'm certainly going to enjoy tormenting her today."

"Don't give anything away," I warned.

"Of course not. But simple questions like 'is there any way I can help your class' or 'surely you know who the traitor is Ichinose-san!' That stuff will drive her insane. Finally, I get to bully the cow-tit whore and she can't stop me."

There was one other thing I wanted to check. "If I told you a rumour about someone in her class, could you have actually gotten them to drop out?" I hadn't actually checked with Kikyou ahead of time, since I didn't want to give out that leverage until now, where it was too late to change things, but I was curious.

"Eh? I mean, it depends on the rumour and the person, but probably yeah, I could do it. What was the secret?" she asked.

"Shiranami Chihiro has a massive crush on Ichinose and confessed to her earlier in the year," I revealed.

"That timid cunt is the one Ichinose is protecting? She'd sacrifice her class for her? I mean, I don't really want to, but if I had to yeah, it would be easy to fuck over her life here," Kikyou admitted. There was a fire in her voice. From my understanding of her, she didn't have any problem with Shirinami that made her hate her. It was the power in the situation that Kikyou held that was most alluring. "But how do you know about that?"

I shrugged. "Ichinose wanted me to be her fake boyfriend to turn down the confession. You might also want to know that Ichinose had never been confessed to before that time."

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