5. Marriage Proposal.

Start from the beginning

"Someone's past doesn't define their future. Vedant is a gem of a person nothing like his father. He was brought up by my friend and his Mom. At least we should think about it." Nanu says.

"If you think he is a good choice for our Aru then I am trusting you." Mami says.

"Yes. I know your friend is a very good hearted person. He would surely look after our Aru." Nani says too.

"But shouldn't Aru get to decide too after she sees this man herself?" Shaurya bhai says.

"Shaurya, my father is not a dictator." Mamu says.

"Sorry, Dad. Sorry dadu. That was not what I meant." Shaurya bhai says.

"That's okay. When did I say that I am forcing her? Look Aru, first meet this boy and if you like him then say yes if not you can say no. Okay?" Nanu asks me.

I think for a few seconds as they look at me then smile and say, "Okay. As you say Nanu."

"Great. Now that is my granddaughter. I will call Raj then fix the meeting." Nanu says and then they talk about arranging things for the family meeting.

Parth gestures to me to follow him and I take my ice cream bowl to follow him. Shaurya bhai and Reyansh bhai also came with us. We sit in the backyard and my brothers look at me like they want some kind of explanation from me.

"What?" I ask.

"Why did you say okay to Dadu?" Parth asks.

"Yes. You should have thought before saying yes." Reyansh bhai says.

"Yes. You should wait." Shaurya bhai says as I eat my ice cream.

"Are you even listening to what we are saying?" Parth asks.

"Yes. And I also heard what Nanu said but I don't think you all did." I say.

"What did he say?" Shaurya bhai asks.

"Yes, tell us." Reyansh bhai says.

"He only told me to meet the guy and then decide. I did not say yes to the marriage. I said yes to meeting him. And didn't you hear how Nanu was praising him. If he thinks that he is a good choice for me then why not I should just meet him." I say trying to make them understand.

"Well you got a point there. But you have to ask him all the questions you want to ask." Shaurya bhai says.

"Also make sure to notice how he behaves with you and us and our staff." Reyansh bhai says.

"And also see if he is good with Veer or not." Parth says.

I rub my head as they tell me to do different things to get to know the guy in the first meeting. Some of the suggestions are very funny and I am not even going to use them but I don't tell them that. When we get inside, Nanu asks me to sit beside him.

"I called Raj and he said they are going to come to meet you and us tomorrow evening. Is it okay for you?" Nanu asks.

"Yes." I say with a shy smile. He hugs me and I think about what kind of person he would be to impress my Nanu in such a short time.

***Vedant's POV.***

I finished my work very early today so I thought of surprising Ma with me and her favorite sweet dish. I buy some jalebi and rabdi for her and others too. I come home to see her sitting with Dadi and complaining about me.

"Ved has grown up too much. I miss those days when he used to be in my lap and would not go away. He used to eat in my lap and sleep there only. But now he doesn't even call me once in a day and comes home late too." Ma says with her cute pout.

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