"She probably didn't even hear a word you just said" Finn suggested.

"Yeah I figured that out" I spat. I climbed up the ladder, hopefully there might be some more medicine on the top floor. I was almost all the way up when I felt a hard boot on my face. Crushing it back down the ladder. I couldn't tell who's boot it was but I grabbed their leg and shoved them back up, making them slam into the ground. My face throbbed.

"Ow, damn" A feminine voice groaned. After not even a second I realized who I just threw.

"River! What are you doing up here!" I climbed all the way up and helped her from the floor.

"I didn't realize you were coming up, I was just coming down actually. Sorry for stepping on your face" She snorted.

"It wasn't funny"

"It kinda was" She chuckled. Then it was almost as if a light bulb appeared over my head.

River was the one who healed my wound when she slashed me. She was the one who healed my wound when she stabbed me in the leg. She probably has encountered a bunch of snakes. She could do it all.

"I need your help!" I grabbed her wrist and dragged her back down the ladder, not caring about the medicine anymore.
"With what?"
I brought her over to where Clarke and Noah were laying in pain. By the expression on her face none of it phased her. She walked over to Noah and pushed his hair back, and felt his heart beat. Then she looked at the knife. Her eyes widened a bit.

"What is it?" I asked.

"This is my knife"

I could've sworn my ears deceived me for a second.
"What?" I asked.

"I knew I left it in the place where we hid from the reapers" She slowly pulled it out of his stomach, then in less than a nanosecond she covered it with a rag.

"I didn't think anyone else knew about it. Besides Clarke and Finn, but they would never" I trailed off. Clarke and Finn wouldn't harm anyone else, at least not like this.

River moved over to Clarke and examined her eyes and her whole face.

"Snake bite" She whispered.

"How did you know that?"

"Ash got bit by a snake one time" Her voice got soft. "He looked just like this, death pale, slow heart beat, dilated pupils, cold sweat, everything"
The thought of Ash made my blood boil. She looked all around her body for the bite mark. When she found it in her left leg she crouched down and put her mouth to the wound.
I had only heard of people sucking the venom out of bitten people on the Ark. But everyone there said it was just a myth and that wouldn't really help them.

I was shocked when she came back up and Clarke started breathing regular again. I knew the effects wouldn't wear off immediately. But I had time to wait, now that River is here. She looked to me and brushed off her shoulders.

"We need to sterilize the boy's wound and then stitch it up"

"Clarke can do all that, she should be getting better" River nodded and pulled her braid around to the side.

"You're pretty incredible, you know that?" I said. She lit up and sat next to me on the floor, leaning against the wall.

"So what was with you and that Ash guy?" I didn't want to talk about him but I was curious. He said he loved her.

"We were best friends, inseparable. Contrary to popular belief by you, he actually isn't a bad guy. I still don't believe he's a monster. I told him about what you did and he just got mad. All he's ever wanted to do was protect me. I guess he didn't know that I wanted you alive"

"I can't believe that you have sympathy for that guy! He tried to kill me"

"I don't have sympathy for him. I don't have sympathy for anyone. But I've known him my whole life and I know he's not bad. I need to talk to him" She started getting up until I grabbed her wrist and yanked her around to me.

"You are not going to go see him. He's dangerous. I can't let you put yourself in a situation like that, he didn't think twice about killing Kira" I regretted it the second it came out of my mouth. Her face tensed up and I knew she was angry. She pulled her wrist out of my grip.

"You don't tell me what to do Bellamy Blake. I'm not Kira, he didn't know Kira, he didn't care about her. He cares about me, he would never hurt me. You just don't know him" She spat. All my anger turned into pure jealousy.
"If I want to go see him I'm gonna go see him and you're not gonna stop me"

"Okay! I just didn't want you to get hurt alright. And since he's in love with you I didn't want him to try anything" I looked to the ground.

"He's not in love with me"

"He said it himself River. He wants to be with you" She walked over and grabbed my hand. I could tell how much she was trying to calm down. Which was extremely hard for her.

"Well I don't want to be with him" She squeezed my palm, looking up at me.

"When he realizes that he'll be pissed and could try to hurt you" I rolled my eyes, again trying to make my same exact point.

"Bellamy, have you forgotten who I am?" I knew she was a warrior but I didn't quite get what she was trying to tell me here, I raised my eyebrow.

"It's called badass" She let go of my hand and walked out of the drop ship. Smirking at me before she let the curtain drop.

Oh god what is she doing to me.

"Octavia!" Someone yelled. I snapped from my relaxed phase and sprinted out of the drop ship. My body wasn't prepared for it but I didn't care. I looked around everywhere for where the scream came from.

"Octavia!" I heard it again. It was Jasper yelling it. I sprinted into the direction of the sound until I ran straight into him.

"Jasper what the hell is going on!" I was way too worried to think about anything else now.

"Octavia is missing"

I Am the Enemy //Bellamy Blake (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now