"Help us out here!"

Start from the beginning

         | Amami eventually went back to laying down, slipping his mind that the snow-haired robot even visited him while thoughts of his predicament clouded his mind. He didn't consider himself as some mastermind or genius when it comes to these situations, but it's the least he could do. Maybe he would go and see what the others were doing, or not. Knowing them, they were probably idiotically destroying shit. Rantaro eventually settled to explore some more around the outside, whats the worst that could happen anyway? |

| As surprising as it is, the worst happened. Amami was kicking rocks and examining the odd plants that inhabited the outside until he got a peak of what was happening in the shed that was conveniently in the middle of the place. Kiibo was there on his tippy toes, chest flushed against the wooden wall, legs spread out, and to top it all off, he had his hands reaching up at what someone could assume to have been a shelf set up nearing the roof. Amami stared at the robot for a bit, seeing him reach for a... flower pot? He couldn't exactly tell. He decided to keep his attention on how focused Kiibo looked to get whatever object he was trying to obtain, or his eyes lowering to meet the robots as- |

| Of course Amami mentally slapped himself for even thinking in such a perverted away. Then again, who could blame him? Kiibo was pretty, he really was. Who cares if he's just some piece of technology? Maybe that was the reason why the green-haired man stared at the robots antics for a bit too long. Maybe that's why his pants may have gotten a bit tighter when Kiibo rested his head against the wall and sighed, resembling a kicked puppy when the robot finally gave up doing whatever the hell he was doing. It was a mutual exchange between the two, Keebs using every excuse in his database to go out of his way and spend time with Amami, and Amami...That explains itself. |

| Now came the lingering question of what the hell Rantaro is gonna do now. No way he's gonna APPROACH the robot, especially with the...situation...he's having right now. Kiibo won't just come up to him and confess his secret undying love for the other. Rantaro was simply to put it, out of options. Maybe he will just go back to his shitty room and jerk himself off, or go back to his rock. Eventually, he decided the smarter option would be to head back to his room, turning around and sighing in his endless sexual frustration and taking a step forward before...lord and behold! Kiibo had spotted Amami and was obviously calling his name for some help. Isn't that convenient? |

| Soon enough, Rantaro was being pulled into the tiny shed. Sweat was already building up on his forehead as he still had his situation still happening, possibly getting worse, all while now being trapped by an invisible lock called responsibility.
"Is there anyway you could get that potted plant for me up there, Amami?" Kiibo spoke in a gleeful tone. A few moments later, Rantaro was on a stool, which he swore had a broken leg, reaching up for the pot. Seconds later, the stool snaps and he falls down on the sheds door. A distinct click could be heard from the fall while Rantaro was holding his head in his hands. Kiibo was blurting out apologies profusely as he scanned Rantaro's head. Nothing fatal showed on the unfortunate green-haired man, just a bruise which stung like a bitch.
"Oh Christ-! I'm so sorry Amami, I'll uh.. get first aid! I'm sure they'll have some somewher-" Kiibo was slurring out words way too fast before he was cut off when he tried to open the shed door. What'd you know? It's locked! Kiibo tried opening it a few more times, the rattle of the lock against the door wasn't helping the new headache growing in Rantaro's head right now. |

              | After a good 10 minutes of messing with the damned door, the robot gave up. Amami finally was starting to feel a bit better after the fall he took and so he got a good look of his surroundings. A shovel, a rake, plant pots, soil, seeds, weird substance that looked like piss, and a dim hanging light. The shovel would've hurt someone if he used it to break the door down due to how small the space was...same went for the rake. The rest of the items were useless so that settles that. They we're screwed. Trapped in a claustrophobic shed with a robot and half a boner? You'd think that would've been the worst case scenario, but of course karma's a bitch. |

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