Water Park

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Rantaro's POV
It was a normal day in the killing game and I was just in my dorm and I decided I wanted to go grab a snack at the " schools " cafeteria. I went for a avocado salad, and sat down to eat the dish. It wasn't the best salad I'd ever had but it was decent. In the distance I saw someone trying to pick up their....screws? Well who ever it is they have a nice ass. I continued eating my salad and noticed the person trying to pick up the screws was no other then k1-B0, Also known as Keebo. " Hey Keebs!" I shouted the nickname I gave him and tried to get his attention. It looks like Keebo noticed me calling his name and went down to sit next to me. I had a slight crush on the robot but dismissed my feels knowing the master mind could be homophobic and hurt me or Keebo. ( NAH TSUMUGI SHIPS THIS STUFF )
       Keebo's POV 
I was gathering screws that I accidentally dropped on the floor, once I was finally finished I started walking to Miu's dorm to return the screws. I stopped in my tracks when I heard my friend Rantaro call out my name, I happily went to sit next to him to  have a conversation but when I was about to something, an announcement had started to play on the intercoms. " Puhuhuh~ Your headmaster here! I am here to announce that there is a new water park in the gardens!" A new water park? This should be interesting.
Rantaro's POV
A new water park huh? I already know that the water park will most likely be for murder of some sorts. That kills the fun part about the whole park in its self. Keebs looks pretty shocked and into it, probably doesn't realize what it's for, He's so gullible and it's the cutest thin- GOD DAMMIT RANTARO Where's the " dismissing these feelings" act I had on earlier?! Sigh, how about I just take Keebs to the park just to have some fun and get this " Killing game " Scheme out of my head.

Third person POV
Rantaro and Keebo made there way to the so called " Water Park," They already had changed into swim trunks and Keebo was already waterproof and water resistant. They finally arrived at the entrance to the water park and headed to the tunnel water ride. ( Think of it as the " Its a small world " Ride ) We got on the rides chairs and strapped our self in. The rides tunnels were full of swirls and curves and a pretty chill ride.

Keebo's POV
The ride looks kinda scary.. I don't like this. I accidentally jump and hug Rantaro. " AHH, I'm so so so sorry!" At that time I was just a flustered mess and I felt like I was gunna explode. I just sat there in silence while the background music to the ride just played. Man I felt like I wanted to cry, but suddenly Rantaro hugged me.

Rantaro's POV
I hugged Keebs back, I didn't know what I was doing. I just stayed like that hugging Keebs, he hugged back too and we stood like that for the remainder of the ride. I got off the ride holding Keebo's hand, I finally decided I wouldn't be afraid anymore and would confess before the night announcement.

A few hours later
" Phuhuhuhu~ It's now officially 10 AM! Sleep tight, and don't let the bear bugs bite!" That was my que to head over to Keebo's dorm room.
Just a warning this gets VERY spicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
" Hey Keebs!" I said when he finally answered the door. " Can I come in?" I said " O-O-oh sure!" Keebo hesitatingly said, " Here sit over here!" Keebs was pointing to the corner of the bed. Nows my chance to tell him about how I feel! " H-hey Keebs. I've wanted to tell you this for a long time, I've developed a crush on you and I love you, I understand if you do not wish to accept my feels and just never talk to me again." I finally got that out of my mouth. Keebs looked like he was gunna cry, Did I hurt his feelings- WHAT IF HE HATES ME?! But all those thoughts were meaningless when Keebo kissed me. I decided to deepen the kiss and
ask for entrance by biting down on his bottom lip. He granted it and my tongue explored his whole mouth, he tasted like vanilla. I decided that it would be proper to ask to go further sense consent is h a w t. " Hey Keebs is it okay that I go further?" I said, " Y-yeah that would be nice." I pushed him on the bed farther and laid my back on the bed board, and placed him on my lap.

I started to make dark red hickeys on his pale skin that would turn purple by daylight. I finally kissed him once again and put my fingers in front of his mouth and he looked at me confuse. " Keebs you a virgin?" I said, " Y-yeah." He said very flustered , I put my fingers in his mouth and commanding him to suck. Finally when I felt like my fingers were prepped enough I stuck one in his hole. ( Keebo is a robot in this btw ) " W-wh-AA is that?" Keebo said almost screaming, " Oh it's my fingers don't worry it'll hurt only for a second." I said, I place my second finger in his hole and do a scissoring motion. Keebs starts to cry and I try to comfort him, " Hey it's gunna be alright, just one more finger" I start to think,  If he can't handle the fingers how will he handle something bigger. While I was thinking I put in my third finger and Keebs let out a moan of pain and pleasure. I finally take out my fingers and slowly sink him down on my diCk, " A-Aa-mami-Kun~ " Keebo Moans while..crying? Is he sensitive to this type of stuff? I start dropping him up and down on my diCk, he makes the cutest faces. I decided to start praising the smaller and he moans louder,  the more I praise the louder he gets. I finally lost my self control and tackled him to the bed on his back with me on his chest and start pounding on him like there's no tomorrow. " AMAMI-KUN~" Keebo screams, God he looks tired, I finally finish inside him without a warning and he passed out. ( Jesus Christ- )
I take him to the bath and run him a bath, once I'm done cleaning him I set him to bed and sleep with him on my chest.

Keebo's POV
I woke up with a huge pain in my backside, and I felt like the bed was rising up and down. I look up to see Rantaro fast asleep with me on his chest, I quickly get up but Regret doing that due to how sore I am and fell on the floor. "Woah you okay Keebs?" Rantaro said with worry? " D-Did we have inter-corse last night..?" Rantaro just smiled and nodded, which caused me to become a flustered mess and fall into his arms.

FINALLY DONE, I tried on this smut fic lol I wish there was more amamiibo content

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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