chapter twenty two- katsuki(two months later)

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"Hey zuzu?"
"What's up baby?"
"I think I wanna try and fix my relationship with mom..."
"Alright, any specific day or time?"
"I was thinking today?"
"Alright baby. Do you want to bring katsuma?"
"Not this time. I feel like if I did she would be more focused on her."
"Alright baby, I'll stay here with suma. Whenever your ready to leave let me know ok?"
"Mhm. I'm gonna text mom." I said as I pulled up my messages.
Old hag

M: hey can we meet up?
OH: sure, when do you want to?
M:can we meet in 30?
OH: sure, are you gonna come over?
M: mhm. It's just going to be me
OH: alright I'll see you then

"I'm gonna go over in thirty minutes."
"Alright hun. I'm gonna go get suna."
"Ok. I love you."
"Love you too hun." Izu said as he went to get katsuma. I hummed and turned on the news to see a photo of me on TV.
"Is the former pro-hero dynamight in a long term relationship or is it just a one-night stand? Find out next on channel 18 news at five."
"Geeze people cant mind their business." Izu said as he came into the livingroom with katsuma.
"Mhm. Doesnt matter to me though."
"Yeah ba- wait...isnt that her first word?"
"Good job baby!" I exclaimed as I picked katsuma up. She giggled and began repeating the word. I smiled and played with katsuma until I decided to leave.

"I'll text you when I leave. I love you."
"I love you too baby." Izu said as i hugged him and gave him and katsuma a kiss.

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