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Carter went to check on Travis after dinner and found he had vomited several times in his sleep. Luckily he had rolled onto his side at some point after that, so he wasn't at least choking.

"Oh god." Carter whispered, gently lifting the boy out of the mess he had made and carrying him into the bathroom. He tried to wake him, but he was out for the count. He cleaned vomit from his face, before lying him carefully on the cold bathroom floor, worried if he sat him up he would fall and hit his head.

He needed clean clothes for Travis, but the boy had brought nothing with him. Luckily Alexis was about the same height as him, so Carter walked over to his room and knocked on the door. He got no reply. He opened the door to find the boy asleep on one of his sketches, pencil still in hand. It explained why he hadn't come down for dinner, not that it had worried Carter, he often didn't. Alexis had only been with them six months, and they had quickly learned how wrapped up in his art he got.

"Alex baby, come on let's get you in bed." Carter tried to wake his boyfriend, earning a 'mmm' in return. With a smile, because he couldn't not smile when he thought of his boys, he lifted him up and carried him to his bed. Grabbing a wet wipe, Alex used them when he was using charcoal to clean his hands, Carter wiped the smudges of his drawing off the boys face. "Can I borrow some clothes? Travis doesn't have any."

"Mmhmm." Came the reply.

"Thank you love." Carter reached over to kiss Alexis' forehead, before the boy fully fell asleep again.  Grabbing a pair of sweatpants, a hoodie and a pair of boxers, Carter made his way back to Travis' room.

Travis was passed out still, but had obviously woken up whilst Carter had been busy and managed to cling to the toilet while he threw up again. He was lying with his head resting against the rim of the bowl. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Travis stirred and sat up with Carter's help. Carter turned on the shower and made sure it was a good temperature, not too hot before leaving a cloth and shower gel on the side for him to use. He placed the clothes on the floor by the door for him. "Take your time." He said.

After stripping and remaking the bed, Carter dumped the dirty sheets in the laundry room and headed back to check on Travis. The shower was off, so he knocked on the bathroom door gently. "Travis? Everything okay?"

"I'm sorry." Travis mumbled as he opened the door, he stumbled and would have fallen if Carter hadn't caught him. "You're very pretty."

"Thank you." Carter smiled lightly. "You're very pretty too."

"Are you lying to me?"

"No love, there's one thing I will never do and that's lie to you." Carter replied. Travis mumbled something illegible and leaned his head against Carter's chest, closing his eyes. His fever had gone, but he was still weak from it all. Carter didn't think he'd ever forgive the people that made him go through the majority of withdrawal on his own. "I'm never going to let them hurt you." Carter whispered as he gently tucked the boy under the clean sheets. "Let me know if you need anything."

He went and did the laundry when he was satisfied Travis had stopped throwing up, hoping that he would be feeling better soon. It was going to be a tricky process with him, but Carter knew that he could help. He'd fallen for the boy almost the exact moment he set eyes on him. His shy nature, his politeness, the way his eyes moved to express his emotions so plainly. Carter hadn't expected to fall so quickly.

"How's he doing?" Kit asked, coming into the room and immediately helping him with the laundry.

"Not good, his fevers gone though." Carter sighed. "He had to go through so much of that alone, in a holding cell." He shook his head.

"Have you talked a bit more, what's he like?"

"He's shy, but I think that might be because he's overwhelmed. He's also so polite, and he's so sweet. I helped him sort himself out after he threw up and he apologised to me and called me pretty." Carter said with a small smile.

"Well he wasn't wrong." Kit wrapped his arms around Carter's middle and looked up to kiss him. "You're very pretty."


"Don't say that or you're going to have to fuck me." Kit said as he kissed him again.

"We can help him, can't we?" Carter murmured against Kit's lips. Kit pulled himself up onto the dryer and pulled Carter in between his legs, kissing him again.

"Of course. You didn't give up on us, and we won't give up on him."

"I love you Kitty." Carter pulled away so he could smile at his boyfriend.

"I love you too Car."

When his knock at the door got no answer, Carter slowly pushed open Travis' bedroom door and moved carefully to the bed. "Morning." He sat down, gently shaking the boys arm. "How are you feeling?"

Travis stirred and slowly sat up. "Crusty."

Carter stared at him with wide eyes. "I've never heard anyone describe themself as 'crusty' before."

"Did I throw up?"

Carter nodded. Travis groaned.

"I'm sorry."

"Its okay, shall I get you some water? Maybe something to eat?" Carter tried.

Travis blinked uncomfortably and nodded. "Water would be nice."

"Okay, I'll go grab you some water, you stay here and get some rest. There's no pressure on you to do anything, okay? I just want you to get better."

"T-Thank you." Carter smiled at him and went downstairs to get him water. He was going to make his some toast as well, it would be easy on his stomach.

On the floor of the living room, Artemis was teaching Kit how to play chess. The concentration on the redheads face was adorable.

"Morning Car!" Artemis grinned causing Kit to look up and smile too.


"Morning my loves." Carter paused in the doorway. "Who's winning?"

"Artie, I'm struggling to get my head around all the moves." Kit replied.

"You'll get it." Carter went over and kissed his head.

"How's Travis doing?" Artemis asked, moving his Bishop to take Kit's pawn. Kit cursed.

"Feeling a little better I think." Carter nodded. "Bless him, he's so sweet."

"I'm excited to meet him." Noah commented, Carter hadn't realised he was there, lying partially under the coffee table with his head in Artemis' lap.

"He might want to come down when he'd feeling better." Carter hypothesised.

"I hope so!" Riley commented as he entered the room, bringing two cups of coffee and a cup of tea with him. "Morning Carter!"

"Morning." Carter gratefully received the kiss Riley gave him.

"Me and Alex are making breakfast!" Riley beamed. Carter was slightly surprised, Alexis wasn't an early riser.

"He's up already?"

"Uh huh! He was sketching in the garden when I got up to check on the bees." Riley explained. "How's Travis?"

"Not feeling too great, I'm going to take him up some sort of breakfast, see how he goes." Carter explained.

"Aww bless him, hopefully he feels better soon." Riley said with a small smile.

"Hopefully." Carter nodded. Travis was asleep when he went back upstairs, and his fever seemed to have gotten better, so Carter left him to rest, hoping he was nearly through his withdrawal.

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