-Sure, give me a second I'll get it-

It was considerably calm for it only to be the barely young adults alone in the kitchen, Doña Alma tends to appear later on the night, everyone could understand that, after all, the telling of how Alma and her late husband met during this celebration was widely know amongst these young ones, she needed some privacy before joining everyone

-Don't worry Juli, I'm on it- Bruno appears at action as everyone else seemed busy in their things, and Agustin wasn't the best choice to grate the cheese for the Natilla... So Bruno will do it instead! Not a big problem.

-Thanks Bruno, did you wash your hands?- Julieta was the kitchen boss, no one ever doubted that but she was especially cautious whenever Bruno or Agustin help around, while one hangs around rats some times of the day, the other one was so clumsy that it was a miracle he hasn't died yet.

-Mhmm- He nodded as he began the work he offered himself to help with, having to take his ruana off to work more comfortably

-Epaa, Flaquito anda ayudando!- Maru laughed as she kept stirring, every once in a while almost getting burnt in her arms by not paying attention, she was mostly laughing and singing along to whatever Felix and Pepa danced with. -Felix, Felix, put the song... Adonai! Yes, that one, look around if you can find the vinyl disk- Maru asked as Bruno approached with the grated cheese, in silence adding it slowly as Marulanda stirred to incorporate it correctly.

-Adonai, really? It's the third time you ask for it today- Bruno chuckled as he finished with his helping, walking around while looking for the disk around the collection around in a shelf, trying to find the one his friend was asking for.

-Shush, Flaco, you like the song too!- She hit him in the head as he passed by, continuing her duty in the kitchen, sometimes switching between both hands as they got a little sleepy, and it was cold outside, she wonders if the candles will stay on and not turn off by the wind later. -Julieta, I think I'm done here, should I start so serve now?

-Sure, Pepa! Could you help Marulanda with the plates?-

-Voy, hermanita!- Pepa nodded as she concluded her dancing with Felix, smiling as it helped for the terrible freezing night to be more bearable, her gift came in handy sometimes, Marulanda can barely keep herself alive when it's cold. -Maru, grab that towel over there so you don't burn the table with the pot, I'll get the dishes, how many?-

-Thanks Pepi, I think around 10 plates are more than enough, we may have added more Maicena than we planned, so some of us can have seconds-

Things followed after smoothly, as Bruno put on the requested song and everyone kept helping in the kitchen, Julieta was the one in charge of the buñuelos, and even if someone tried to help, it was quite useless, but no one could object, Julieta was the healer, after all, someone interrupting may disrupt the magic or something... No one here is very sure if there are very exact rules about the triplets gifts.

-I'm done here, how about you guys?- a whole plate of buñuelos was ready, all made by the healer as she left them in the middle of the table, no one dare to grab one before Doña Alma came over to eat with all of them, so it was some silence as they drank agua panela as the music played around.

-All done here too, Juli- They nodded in agreement as Agustin offered a cup of agua panela to his girlfriend, they weren't the most effusive compared to Pepa and Felix, but they were very cute.

-Anyway, Flaquito, Quieres bailar?- Marulanda asked as she stretched her hands, smiling after offering the idea of dancing while time passes by, it became one of her favorite activities to do with him, although their conversations always turn out to be their best exchange

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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