Chapter 4

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This is Mary's father btw, and yes, that is Kim Myung-Dae from BJ Alex, and yes, I am a sick mf. He's also a daddy material~ UwU



"Where are we going, Father?" Mary asked curiously as she sat down for dinner.

"It'll be a 4-day journey to Xyrus City's Main Capital. Other than business purposes, I haven't seen him and his family in a long time." The Duke smiled softly, "I heard last year his wife gave birth to a baby girl."

Mary hummed. She didn't comment any further as she wasn't really interested in this 'family' her father spoke of. She could ask 'Who are they?'  just for the sake of continuing the conversation but decided against it, so she just continued on with her meal. Then, the father-daughter duo ate in comfortable silence.

After a while, dinner was over and Mary then said her goodnights to the Duke before heading inside her bedroom. She plopped onto her bed while imagining what tomorrow might come. A small smile crept on her lips as it was her first time going outside the mansion, and it was with a father who cared for her― or at least that's what she felt the moment those worried eyes laid on her whenever she got badly hurt during training. A sudden frown presented on her face when an unsettling feeling squirms in the back of her mind. 

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this.." The idea that something bad might happened worried her as she bit her bottom lip, but she decided to trust her instincts. Whatever it is, if something bad does happen she will deal with it. After all, her instincts had always been spot on, even in her previous life.


"Please take care, m'lady! Master! Have a safe trip!" Layla called out politely, bowing as she gave both of them a smile. The Duke only nodded and then helped Mary step inside the carriage. Mary gave Layla a small wave before heading out.

The Ivanov Family's Mansion was located between Valden City and Xyrus City, so with the distance, its journey wasn't bad. Having three Knights, consisting of two conjurers and an augmenter accompanying them gave Mary a feeling of relief as it would help whatever troubles they will run into.

By nightfall, the once distant mountain range seemed to have doubled in size. She wondered how big the grand mountain range would be when they reached the foot. Needless to say, she was excited to finally get out of the mansion. 

"Father.. who are those people you mentioned visiting?" when she finally asks the question she's been ignoring, she turned to look at her father who was busy reading a newspaper.

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