"tell us about you and your friends" mr. lee said

jisung started to tell minho's parents about their background, that left minho's mom and dad in surprise

"tell your friends to come over here sweety when you guys are free ok?" minho's mom said which jisung nodded

"so jeongin is the youngest but the simply savage one, i see" minho's dad said

"well, nice to meet you han jisung sweety" mrs. lee said

as the two were having a conversation, minho's dad slowly nudge his son

"yes dad?" minho flinched a bit

"i can see the way you look at him, tell me honestly, do you like jisung?" his dad caught him off guard

"yes dad, but he still has feelings for his ex boyfriend, that is also a friend of ours" he admitted

"don't think of it like you can't have jisung okay? you have to fight for him if you really like him" he advised

"thanks dad" he softly said

"okay, we're going upstairs now, you two should sleep early, i'll drive you two back tomorrow" minho's dad commanded as the two nodded

they finished everything downstairs then went to minho's bedroom to sleep

jisung once again greeted minho's parents with his goodnight before getting inside the room

once he get in, minho already know what would the younger talk about and its none other than his parents

"HYUNG! I LIKE YOUR PARENTS!" the younger exclaimed with his teeth displaying

the older just chuckle from the sight of the boy while shaking his head with his grin

"then be my husband" minho teased the boy who got flustered, his cheeks blushed in pink

"hyung, stop that please" he then lay down on the other side of the bed burying his face on the pillow because of his pinkish cheeks

minho found it adorable, he's used now to jisung's clingy side so he gently pulled the boy closer to him

"hug me sungie~ you don't want cuddles?" he said as he felt the younger's arm flung over his stomach with his face snuggling closer to minho's chest

the older hug the boy tight, enough for jisung to feel the warmth and comfortability with the older as they both sleep


its already morning now and the two have to get back on their places in order to not get late in their respective classes

they both shot up from jisung's alarm that is loud enough to wake them up

they took turns on taking a shower then now prepared on going back to their dorms

"here sweeties, i packed some extra foods alongside with yours, tell your friends to eat these" minho's mom said

"come back here anytime you want sweetie, you're all welcome here, now have a nice trip and study well" minho's dad added as they all get inside the car

a moment of driving, they finally arrived to their place

"thanks dad, i'll see you next time with the others" minho said

"thanks uncle, i'll see you next time too, have a safe drive" jisung said with his grin

the two went to their respective unit then saw their roommates with the other of their friends

seungmin on hyunjin's chest, peacefully sleeping with his soft snores

felix with his legs on the youngest as usual as snores can be heard

minho decided to startled the two sleeping beauties as he get himself a frying pan and a spoon,,, well, just to make a startling sound

meanwhile jisung chose to jump over the two who's sleeping peacefully

the four groaned from their friend's weird morning call

"HYUNG~~~~~~~~~" felix and jeongin said at the same time

"JISUNG~~~~ YAAAA GET OFF" seungmin and hyunjin said while groaning

"wake up!! we got us breakfast, minho's mom cook some extras for you guys" jisung said to the two

"you go take a bath first minnie, make sure to get back here" hyunjin said as seungmin left the room with his sleepy state

"YANG JEONGIN!! LEE YONGBOK!! WAKE UP BEFORE I PULL YOU BOTH WITH YOUR FEET!!" minho shouted as the two got up from their bed, thudding with their sleepy state

they all finished eating the food prepared by minho's mom then prepared themselves for another daysssssss

same routine happened in the campus to the eight of them, seeing each other at the cafeteria on the table where they met each other, meeting each other at the end of the day, going back to their own place or at least visiting one another

they didn't realize its been two and a half months since they became all friends just because of the table in their cafeteria

a/n: and I'm back with at least a double or triple update? idk but yeah~~~

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