Chapter 3: Shared Loss

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Timeline: When Piers brings Felix and co. to Lemuria for the first time and after his mom passes away. Remember that one scene when Piers leaves your party for a while after hearing about his mom?

White stargazer lilies are used at funerals during a person's death. There were only so many growing in Lemuria and Riko tended to them everyday ever since Piers left.

They say these lilies are a symbol of sympathy and peace which the soul receives after it has left the body.

She grew the lilies just right until they bloomed with a potent and sweet aroma which came as a surprise for Riko. Even though the lilies were perfect, she didn't mind sacrificing them for her...

One that same day, she noticed some new travelers had arrived in Lemuria as she went to pay her respects. She thought she'd noticed a familiar face among the group, but she wasn't sure since the view was too far from the cemetery to know who they were. She gently kneeled over and placed the flowers at the grave and sat with her eyes closed for a moment of respect.

Riko didn't know his mother well but she was grateful for her anyway.


The moments came and went after a long time and it relaxed Riko, calming her and making her feel somewhat melancholic at the realization that death is real and inevitable... it scared her but she intended to make peace with it eventually.

"No... It couldn't be..."

She turned around as she wiped the tears off her face to realize Piers was back.

"Oh, Piers... I'm so sorry..."

She began tearing up again with her lack of words for what's happened. He dropped to his knees instantly after having the same realization as Riko.

"I don't understand... I thought I had time." He kneels to look at her grave while placing a hand on the cold, abrasive gravestone. "How have you been dealing with this?..." He asks while tearing up but holding back his teary voice.

"I didn't- I don't know, I just couldn't bear it since it's real..." she says, avoiding his view while holding her legs and hiding her face on her knees.

Tears kept pouring from her eyes and eventually, Piers started crying too. She couldn't bear to see him crying herself without it saddening her even more, so she impulsively gave him a hug and cried a little loudly on him. For a moment, he did not know how to respond but the warm tears on his face reminded him of her warm embrace, so he wrapped an arm around her one at a time until they were both holding onto each other.

This carried on for another few minutes until either of them were ready to let go. The air felt cold around them and they shivered while grieving, letting their flushed skin and fresh tears retain their warmth.

Piers really wanted to tell Riko about what was going on in the world outside of Lemuria, although he could not tell her everything yet.

"In simple terms, the world is dying and I have to venture forth with Felix's crew to light the remaining lighthouses to ignite the Golden Sun. This should fill Weyard with enough alchemy to resurrect itself," she looks at him with a head tilt but eyes full of conviction; she believes him.

"Sounds dangerous but super important," she remarks.

"I apologize for having to leave again so soon... I will return for you though, I promise," he says with a small smile on his face but with genuinity in his eyes.

He grabs her hand and holds it firmly in both of his and looks her in the eyes. Riko gives him a small smile before saying, "It's alright, it's an important mission! Otherwise you wouldn't have a home to come back to either."

"I'm glad you understand, I thank you for your extended patience, Riko," he closes his eyes and kisses the top of her right hand, which sends a positive shock through her body, making her cheeks glow a shade of pink.

The two went to the castle to meet Hydros but Riko insisted that she would stay home instead, she wanted to clear up his mother's belongings because once his mother was gone, Riko volunteered to clean the house for them.

They had their final goodbyes one last time, this time Piers giving Riko a quick hug by placing his hands around her shoulders before Piers headed into the castle to talk to the King before leaving Lemuria once more.

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