19, do you know japanese

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the moment you opened your eyes, you expected to be greeted by the harsh sunlight from your bedroom's window. that's the way things has always been, unless your alarm wakes you up early. today, however, there was no alarm nor greetings from the morning daystar. instead, what greets you is the soft orange glow of the afternoon sun. it was already starting to set, meaning you were asleep for the whole day; missing breakfast and lunch, but hopefully not dinner, too.

your heart dropped the moment you stepped out of the room. a few of your cupboards were left open, so you thought that maybe someone got in and ransacked the place, but upon further inspection, nothing else was misplaced. it was just left open. you had no idea that anyone ever came in your room and who the hell they were – but your panic dissipated when you saw the little post-it notes on the table slab. 


this was probably the work of the boys. they probably tried to wake you up, or at least checked up on you because who else could be the cause of all these?

the whole table is littered with different colors of squared papers, which were all stuck on the surface. the first thing that got your attention were the green ones. there's three of them toppled on the end of the other, and whoever wrote on it had used huge and exaggerated black sharpie pen. the first one read, in messy handwriting, we all thought you died. the next one says, we had a guest room attendant open the door for us. and the last one says, good news, you're alive!!!!! slept like a fucking log tho.

sanzu's big and messy handwriting was probably the reason why his message didn't fit in just one paper, but you liked the thought that they ended up checking up on you. it would've been such a sweet act, if only one of them hadn't left your cupboard doors open like they were looting the place. now you figured that sanzu just wanted to cause chaos out of nowhere.

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