Tips for Dark Elbows

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I am so sorry for the long wait, I've been really busy recently, but I will be doing faster updates from now on

1. Turmeric:

Turmeric has long been known to have healing properties for the skin. Any paste which contains turmeric works great as a skin lightening solution. However, never keep turmeric paste on your skin for too long as it may stain your skin! If you do happen to get a stain, don't worry, it will fade away in a couple of days. The most popular option is to mix turmeric with milk with high fat content. Apply this over the elbows for a few minutes and then wash off with soap. Repeat this a few times a week for optimum results.

2. Plain Lemon:

The simplest and easiest home remedy for dark elbows is lemon. Cut a large lemon in half and then use each side of the lemon on each elbow. Rub each half into the elbow squeeze all the juice out onto the elbow. Remember, this could be a messy process so do it either in your kitchen or your bathroom so it can be washed off of surfaces easily enough. Repeat this every day for a week or two and watch the stunning results.

3. Fruits:

Here's a home remedy for dark elbows that you can apply and eat too! (Not that eating it will help your elbows). There are certain fruits that have natural whitening properties such as lemons, tomatoes and grapes. Simply rub the juice from these fruits onto your elbows and wash off after a few minutes with warm water.

4. Mint:

Yes, mint is not just great for fresh breath, but is also helpful for dark elbows. Mint has certain properties that help whiten the skin. Boil a couple of mint leaves and add a few drops of extract of lemon. Dip a wad of cotton in this and dab the elbows with it. After about half an hour, wash it off with plain water.

5. Papaya:

Papaya has certain natural properties that not only help lighten the skin but also helps in moisturizing it. This treatment is great for the thicker skin of the elbows. Cut the papaya into small pieces and then mash these pieces together, with just a tsp of water. Then apply this mashed papaya on the elbows and leave it on for about ten minutes before washing off with plain water. Refrigerate the rest of this mash to use for later. Apply this once every two days for a few weeks for best results.

6. Honey:

Honey acts as a natural balm for the dark skin of the elbows. It also provides natural antibiotic properties. You can apply plain honey on your elbows to reduce the darkness, but it will take time. The better option is to mix one generous tablespoon of honey with equal parts milk and turmeric. Then, apply this paste on the dark areas of the elbows and wait for about half an hour. Wash off with lukewarm water. Do this once every week for best results. You can also mix honey with Aloe Vera in the same pattern as mentioned above.

7. Milk:

First things first. Using milk will not give you quick results but in the long run it will give you the desired result. With a swab of cotton, apply full fat milk on the darkened elbows. You can do it every day and make it a part of your daily routine. Do not wash it off. Not only will this moisturize the skin, it will also alleviate the tanned and unnaturally dark areas of the elbows. And hey, if it's good enough for Greek and Indian princesses of the past, it's good enough for us also to use this remedy for dark elbows!

8. Sugar and Olive Oil:

Sugar and olive oil combined make a perfect mix of hard and soft. The sugar in this mixture will help rub off the embedded dirt in the creases of the elbows and the olive oil will then moisturize the elbows. Mix one tbsp of sugar with one tbsp of olive oil and rub this on your elbows in slow, circular motions for a couple of minutes. Then wash off with plain, tepid water.

9. Natural Oils:

Natural oils, such as olive oil, have essential lightening properties. Rub lukewarm olive oil on the dark elbows once a day for a few minutes. Do not wash it off. Other natural oils such as coconut oil will act as preventive measures to the skin darkening further. Coconut oil can also be mixed with lemon and applied on the elbows. Wash this off after about five minutes and repeat once every two days.

10. Vinegar and Yogurt:

Vinegar's natural acidic content helps bleach the darkened areas of the elbows and the yogurt helps to moisturize. Make a paste with vinegar and yogurt, mixing both in equal parts. Massage this into the skin of the elbows and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Thank you all so much for reading :)

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