Wake up call ~ Sae-byeok

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This chapter is weird so ya... no gross weird just I don't know what I wrote weird

Sae-Byeok's pov-

It was a peaceful morning, one just like many as the birds chirped outside and the warm morning sun peeked through the blinds. I curl up under the blankets as I tried to squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep before-

"Seven-foot frame! rats along his back! When he calls your name... it all fades to black!" Y/n yells as she dances on top of the bed. I groan and grab my pillow pulling it over my face to try and block out the noise, I don't know what's been going on lately but Y/n has been more hyper than usual. 

"And he sees your dreams and feasts on your-" She was cut off by me throwing a pillow at her face "Y/n! Shhhhhhh, I'm sleeping" I tell her and place my head back on the pillow. "But... Venessa-" "Don't!" I yell at her, she stands there motionless, still on the bed "I'm a material gowrl" She laughs and she sways her hips side to side "Your the worst" I joke, she lays down next to me and looks at me "You know you love me" I smile and turn around to that my back Is facing her.

"Come on, get up" She whines "No let me sleep" I whine back. "But Elsa, the sky's away so I'm awake and we have to play," She says dramatically, I look back at her raising an eyebrow "You did not just quote frozen" I laugh and she bites her lip and nods her head like a child. "fine I will get up" I give in and set myself up.

"Yass! Pancake time!" She cheers, marching out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. I roll my eyes and follow her out, she started grabbing all the ingredients but the flour had been put too high and she could reach it. "Sae I need your help" she calls not noticing I was standing in the kitchen already, I walk over to the cupboard and look up at the flour. 

"I can get it but there is a price" I smirk, she huffs and her posture turns to a slouch "noooo, what price?" She questions, I place my hand on my chin as if I am thinking really hard but I'm not I was actually thinking about what movie I should watch tonight, random I know. She stands on her tiptoes so that she is my height and kisses my cheek. 

"That price?" She asks "I think you missed" I smile, she rolls her eyes and places a quick peck on my lips. I nod my head and grab the flour for her and she skips to the other side of the kitchen as she begins to make the pancakes. 

After breakfast I was still tired, I had worked late the night before and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep longer although I don't think Y/n was feeling the same. She looks over at me and frowns "You weren't listening were you?" She asks me, I realised that I had zoned out when she was talking to me about today "sorry" I scratch the back of my neck. 

She stands up and pulls me to our room and sits me on our bed "Sleep" She says firmly "What?" I question. "You're tired, when you tired you sleep I thought you knew this?" I laugh at her and lay down, she pulls the covers over me and kisses my forehead "I will be home later, love you" And then skips out of the room.

Time skip-

I woke up after sleeping for hours, I heard one of Y/n favourite songs playing in the lounge room 'Je te laisserai des mots' it was a calm french song that she always listened to calm down. She was slow dancing around the lounge room with herself, her attitude had changed a lot from this morning, she was no longer hyper and needing adventure but instead calm and settled. she still had her childish charm though.

"Come slow dance with me, it will be like we're in a movie" She giggles, I walk over to her and take her hands, spinning her and stepping in synch around the room. This was definitely different from before but I didn't care, I loved these times with her... I love her.


Please don't ask what this is because I don't know, Ummm yeah :) Also, 'Je te laisserai des mots' is a beautiful song defiantly recommend listening to if you want to calm down and relax.

Sae-byeok / Ho-Yeon ImaginsWhere stories live. Discover now