Second Chance? pt.3 ~ Ho-Yeon

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I haven't slept in almost 48 hours 😐

"Y/n just talk to me" She sits on a chair in front of me, waiting for my answer. So she wasn't mad? "Ho-Yeon I don't think I'm ready to just throw away everything we had in the past and I want more than just friends" I confess, she looked a bit taken back. Slouching over she puts her head on her hands and stares at the ground. Yep, this was a mistake. "Look I'm just going to go, forget I said anything" I quickly stand up but she stops me.

"Just sit and listen for a minute, please" I hesitate but sit back down and awkwardly stare at her, waiting for her to talk "If I'm being honest, I regret breaking up with you and I regret trying to move on so quickly," She says still resting her face in her palms "But you looked like you were having so much fun with that other girl" I question, I mean I did watch them have a date where all they did was laugh. "Having fun doesn't mean I want to date them, sure she is funny but she doesn't have what I'm looking for" Looking for?

"And what are you looking for?" I ask a bit confused as to what she was talking about "I was looking for, someone... like you" She admits, so I was right, I hadn't lost her, in fact, she wanted me back just as much as I wanted her.

"So what do we do now?" I was still confused, we had both just told each other that we want what we had before so does this mean we are together or like? She straightens up her sitting position and looks up at me "Would you be willing to give us another chance" She asks "No I just drove all the way from my house to here, made your date leave and then confess that I was never truly over you" I sarcastically reply "Your right never mind" She stands up and heads for the kitchen "No! no wait! I was kidding" I grab her waist and pull he close to me "I would want nothing more than to be with you again" I flirt.

A light shade of pink covers her cheeks and her signature gummy smile feels me with joy. "What are you gonna tell the other girl" I was genuinely curious "I'll just tell her it wasn't meant to be" She simply replies then wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. "We are going to have to set some rule if we are going to try this again though" She talks still hugging me tight, lightly swaying our bodies side to side "Don't need to tell me twice" I laugh. "God you didn't change one bit" She pulls away and cups my face in her hands " I know, I'm still as hot as ever" I compliment myself. 

She rolls her eyes then pulls me into a passionate kiss, one I had been longing for, the feel of her lips on mine just felt right. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her closer to me, smiling into the kiss. 'i actually got her back, danm I'm good '

We spend the rest of the evening dancing around the lounge room to music, laughing and sharing stories as we peacefully sway side to side, holding each other tight as we enjoy the moments we both thought we would never live in again. I knew that this time I wasn't going to mess things up and I would do whatever I could to make this work. 


When I say I haven't slept for 2 nights, I feel nauseous, have heartburn, a headache and only running off of 3 cups of caffeine I'm not joking and it feels like I'm dying. I've tried sleeping but I can't my body won't let me so enjoy this and another one I wrote while I slowly die :)

Sae-byeok / Ho-Yeon Imaginsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن