Chapter 1301-1310

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Chapter 1301: Priorities

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

A heavy force abruptly towed it downward.

*Thrash, thrash, thrash, thrash…* Our dear Qingluan furiously steadied itself as it flew over the heads of the yabbering zombies.

“There’s something weird about this place, Masta. I can’t fly high.”

“That’s fine, set me down at the round base.”

“Qiaoqiao.” When Mo Lian saw this little fellow heading for the sculpture, he flew up anxiously.

However, not a second had passed before he also sensed his body sinking and getting pulled down by gravity.

Duan Yue slaughtered a zombie that was pouncing at Mo Lian before yelling at the latter, “Go keep watch over her. I’ll stop them here.”

Mo Lian nodded, flitting toward the round base without saying anything more.

However, gravity made it so that his feet were practically flitting above the zombies’ heads. For that reason, the zombie’s decaying hands were able to tear the corners of his robe.

There were constant sounds of rips and tears.

As a result, when he looked down once he flashed to where Qiao Mu was at the sculpture, his expression couldn’t help but darken.

His perfectly good white robe had been torn into strips by those bastards.

Qiao Mu turned to the other side of the round base while holding the Jade Heavenly Thunder. A faint excitement flickered inside her eyes as she tossed a bead at the zombies there.

*Boom* It was a loud explosion.

The zombies that had caught on fire rolled about on the ground. A good number of them had been seriously affected.

At this time, an exhausted young female mystic cultivator abruptly struck her palm at Qiao Mu’s back with a poisonous glint in her eyes. “Go to hell.”


Mo Lian’s gaze was on his little wife from beginning to end, never on anyone else.

Therefore, he was also the first to react. Seeing that that loony female mystic cultivator was actually attacking Qiaoqiao behind her back, he hurled a heavy palm strike at the other party’s face through the air.

That female mystic cultivator called Kali screamed, nearly tumbling down from the round base.

If not for the two well-built teammates beside her fishing her up again, she would have definitely become the feast on the zombies’ platter after falling down.

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