Although Jixian Yaju is a membership system, members are also eligible to invite guests to come. Otherwise, members need to discuss things with others here, and they need to make guests also pay membership fees to become members , it is too troublesome.

    The lobby manager's eyes are tricky, Shen Yi's clothes in the villa are all prepared by Sheng Xiao, and naturally they will not be ordinary clothes. The long blue dress on her looks simple, but the cut fabric looks like a big name. She's here to find someone.

    Shen Yi thought about the recruitment information he had read before: "Yes, I'm looking for Master Wen Mao Xue."

    The lobby manager was stunned. Mr. Wen was indeed here today, but it was to deal with the interview for a guqin master, so I didn't listen to him. what man.

    At this time, a spirited old man walked around the screen inside the lobby and the lobby manager saw it, his eyes lit up, and he said to Shen Yi, "Wait a moment."

    Then he walked quickly to the old man and pointed Seriously what was said here.

    Seeing this scene, Shen Yi immediately guessed that this old man should be the master of Wen Mao Xue.

    Sure enough, as Shen expected, the old man over there looked over with a puzzled expression, and then walked over with the lobby manager.

    "Little girl, what are you looking for with the old man?"

    Shen Yi thought that Wen Maoxue was the owner, and bowed his hands naturally: "Sir, I'm here to apply for a guqin teacher."


    It wasn't Wen Maoxue who exclaimed. But the lobby manager next to it.

    Looking at the girl's bearing and clothes, he thought that the other party must be rich or expensive, but he didn't expect to look away.

    Wen Maoxue was about to leave, and when he saw it, he asked, "How long has the girl been learning the piano? How is your level?"

    Shen Yi thought for a while and replied, "It's been about eight years, and I can play it when I have some spare time, so I know a little bit about it. ."

    The lobby manager on the side wanted to scratch his head when he heard it, but then he understood a little. Shouldn't he apply for the Guqin certificate at this time?

    However, looking at Shen Yi, who was neither humble nor arrogant, and had a remarkable temperament, Elder Wen found it interesting and had nothing to do. He was also a little curious about what kind of guqin skills the other party would have, so he said,

    "Let's go, go to the tea room."

    Wen Mao learned from The status here is extraordinarily high. As soon as he said it, the lobby manager naturally obeyed, and the two led Shen Yi into an elegant tea room together.

    In the middle of the tea room is a nanmu guqin, which is very valuable at first sight.

    Gao Hongyi, the lobby manager, also came in here. At this time, when Shen Yi walked to the guqin and sat down, his heart was full of praise.

    If nothing else, before playing, this appearance and temperament have already made people yearn for it.

    The guqin masters are recruited to perform in the hall of the clubhouse. The newly opened piano room is separated by an artificial water curtain, and a guqin master is invited to play on the spot. Take it up a notch again.

    Although it's not easy to find a suitable guqin master, Jixian Yaju is taking this approach, playing music directly on the stereo, and the quality will drop.

    But seeing Shen Yi like this now, Gao Hongyi immediately felt that if Shen Yi was to sit behind the water curtain in an ancient costume, play the piano in a posture, and actually play the music with the sound, such a plan would not be unacceptable...

    "Please play a tune that you like or are good at." Wen Maoxue also sat on the chair beside him, lifted the kettle, poured it into the teapot, and in an instant, the fragrance of the tea spread throughout the tea room.

    Shen Yi stroked the strings of the guqin with his fingers. The material is not as good as Tian silk, but it is still good. The nails of the original body are cut short, which may cause uneven nails and flesh and affect some performances, but there is no way.


    Not seeing Shen Yi's other preparations, she casually stroked the strings of the piano, and the touching sound of the piano streamed down from her fingertips.

    Wen Lao was about to drink tea with the teacup, but his movements stopped in place.

    Shen Yi's piano sound is an indescribable purity and elegance.

    The wind entered the pine forest, the spring water gurgled... That kind of transparent and natural feeling not only made Mr. Wen stop and close his eyes to appreciate it, but also calmed Gao Hongyi, who had also interviewed several guqin masters together.

    At this moment, there was a sentence in his mind: Do you call this a little understanding?

    Gao Hongyi does not know the guqin as well as Wen Lao, but compared to the previous interviewees who have the Guqin Grade 9 certificate, the sound of Shen Yi's qin sounds to him is obviously different.

    How should I put it, it seems that playing the piano is just pure interest, and it is natural, and there is absolutely no sense of craftsmanship and dazzling skills that have been practiced for a long time for the exam.

    At this moment, he even felt that Shen Yi was like the master here, they were just travelers who entered her villa by mistake.

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