Chapter Thirteen: Abeke

Start from the beginning

Abeke inhaled and watched the black-hairred girl take hold of Rain's hand, hushed words coming off her lips. She pressed her forehead down and soft tears fell down her cheek, onto the dying girl's skin.

She can't die. I can't stand to watch anyone else perish on this journey.

Worthy moaned and fully sat down, his eye flashing in pain. The leaves that covered his wound had begun to peel off, revealing raw flesh. Blood dripped down and he reached up to whip it, leaving a smeared red mess.

"You should let Laren dress that again." Abeke spoke.

"No, she already has Rain and you to worry about. I shouldn't be on that list too." He murmured, agony in his voice.

"Worthy, please-" She said, but he quickly stopped her.

"Again, No! I'm fine, it doesn't matter!" He snapped.

Abeke drew back in shock. He dropped his shoulders and looked away in guilt. She placed her hand on his arm and said, "OK. I just don't want anyone to die. You included"

Abeke struggled up to her feet and hobbled away, taking one of the claws with her. "I'm going for a walk. Need to clear my head." She said and padded into the forest alone. When she was far enough into the woods, she broke into a run, wind buzzing past. The sprint hurt her leg, sending knives into it, but she ignored the pain and continued forwards. She felt so weak with the gash, holding her back with every step.

After a couple minutes, she reached a section that was solely lit by sunlight, the trees overhead were partened. The sun shone from somewhere above, casting warmth onto her chilly frame. She lowered down onto one knee and placed a hand onto the needles, catching her breath. I'm out of breath!? She thought, a laugh echoing around her mind. A hunter is out of breath! What has happened? She ran her fingers over Uraza's mark, wishing that the cat was here.

Suddenly a cry sounded that made Abeke jump. She glanced up and saw a tree was shaking, a small creature dangling from its branches. It lashed at the trap and spat with fury.

Abeke limped over to the tree, watching the small animal squirm about, trying to get free. The creature's whiskers twitched, and she saw its glimmering ocean blue eyes gazing at her. Fear creeped over it as she got closer and the animal hissed, lashing its short cat-like paws at her. It hung by its tail which was tied with a thin wire and cut into the creature's flesh.

The poor thing. It's so terrified of me. She thought sadly. What is it?

Reaching out her hand she tried touching it, but the animal screeched and attempted to bite her.

"That's an Arira." Spoke a voice as Laren came to stand by Abeke, her blue eyes burning with interest. "They are harmless and often fall into our traps. They make a good meal, but this one is too small." She spoke.

"Should we free it?" Abeke said.

"Maybe, but first tell me why you are out here?"

"Sorry, I needed to clear my head. With everything that has happened, it is hard to sit still for long."

"I know the feeling. But going out alone is not such a good idea."

"Yes, I know."

"Next time, pressure Worthy to come with you. He can be the distraction while you run."

Abeke laughed. "He wouldn't last long."

"No, not with that wound and attitude."

"He will have half a second before he screams and bolts up a tree."

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