I'll be back

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It seemed like you were the one obsessed now.
You would blow up his phone with no reply.
It hurt you dearly.
You felt abandoned.

"Y/n what's been up with you lately girl?" Ty asked you and everyone paused.
"Yea I've noticed it too, is someone fucking bothering you?!" Gina spat.
Ivan stared at your concerned.
"Guys it's fine.." You sighed and looked across the cafeteria.

When the bell rung you saw Bren in the hallway. He didn't talk to anyone anymore. He was a complete loner which didn't match his loud personality. His uniform wasn't as clean and proper as usual. He began to grow out his hair which was unkept.

Personally, you hated him. He was annoyingly cocky and touchy. But if you were being honest, you didn't feel anything anymore. You wondered if Bren related to that feeling.

You walked up to him and he jumped.
He looked around quickly and drug you to a closet.
"What the hell do you want?! I can't be caught talking to you.." He whispered.
"Why?! You're psycho boyfriend almost fucking killed me!"

He didn't cuss this much before.

"He's gone now.."
Brens face dropped a little. A nervous smile curled on his face as he brought his finger to his lip.
"Well.. what the hell do you want?"
You pushed him against the wall a bit. You smiled as he broke a sweat.
"You're different now.. why is that?"
"Why do you care.."
You frowned at his attitude but it was understandable. You backed away and reached for the doorknob.
"Fine! Wait please don't go.."
You paused.
His voice sounded genuine.
You turned around and he was scratching his head.
"You're the first person I've had a conversation with in a while.."
"What happened to all your 'friends'?" You giggled and he rolled his eyes.
"You and I both know they were leeches"

"So you're telling me you have a new personality just from getting your ass kicked and everyone avoiding you?"
He scoffed and his blonde hair fell in his face.
"Oh what the hell do you know about me?"
"I know you're a complete asshole who loves harassing me"
"W-Well it seems like you're the one harassing me now" His smile was crooked. You looked at his black eye and sighed.

You slid your back against the wall sitting down.
"I guess you're right"
You looked up at him and tapped the place beside you.
Bren was hesitant.
"I-I get it! You finally realized how great I am and came crawling back! Well sorry to break it to you I'm not that easy Ha!"
You smiled at him and narrowed your eyes.
"But I um guess I'll sit with you.."

Yep, his high and mighty attitude is still there.

You spent the rest of the school day in the closet chatting with Bren.
You dreaded going home.
It was too big to be alone.
Mire had left you the credit card so you had plenty of money to depend on.

At night it was the worse.
The basement scared you.
You would lock the bedroom door and sit in the bed with the covers wrapped around you.
You over thought a lot.
You imagined the times you and Mire had spent together.

The time he tied you to the bed.
You giggled at the thought of him catching you going through the drawers.
You remembered it was your right ankle that was messed up.
You thought of the time your body's were pressed against each other with heavy breathing and his hands all over your body while you gripped the sheets.

You began to cry into his shirt you were wearing.
"How could he just leave me?" The tears fell down your face and you cried alloud.
"I should be the one who left! He stabbed me!"

You knew it was more than that.
It had to do with his parents and this company.
What even was this company?
The more you were lost in your thoughts the more intrusive they became..

What if.. I killed them? Would he come back to me then?

You could feel yourself slowly losing it.

How could he be so attached to me and leave like that? How could he make me so attached?


You woke up the next morning and got dressed for school. Your eyes were puffy and you got no sleep as usual.
You walked down the same trail you had met.
It was torture.
The school day went by regularly and if you were being honest.. everyone was starting annoy you.

"Y/n what's the matter?!"
"I said nothing" They asked the same thing everyday.
"I can tell somethings wrong!" Gina stood up and an annoyed expression washed over you.
"Well just drop it already!"
"Fucking hell Y/n" Gina rolled her eyes and your heart dropped at the phrase.
"Y/n.. seriously are you okay?" You looked over an Ivan and your eyes began to water. His resemblance to Mire almost made you break down.
You couldn't be around them anymore.

You turned to walk away and Ty grabbed you.
"Stop it please.."
"Don't push us away.."
You looked up at him.
You weren't mad at Ty, you just couldn't be around them right now.
You pushed passed him and searched for Bren. You went in the same closet where you two had been meeting for a while.
You burst through the door and he jumped. You wrapped him in a hug and he hesitantly returned it.

"If you wanted a hug you could've said that~"
You let out a laugh.
"Will you shut up?"
"You missed me~"
"No one missed you.." You smiled at him and his injuries had healed. "Um Bren.."
He cocked his head and raised his eyebrows.
"Do you want to come over?"


Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Where stories live. Discover now