Emails and notifications about upcoming events buzzed through her phone, none of them really serving much to catch her attention. Though one thing Mayumi did not like for sure, was having notification bubbles next to the app. So going to clear out all those was something she did to waste time, making sure to take note which ones were actually important.

Like the Halloween event going on at Deity that coming weekend, an event she knew her family would be staying extra time for. "I'm ready!" Leia chirped as she picked up her bags from the table, Mayumi going to follow after her.

"Okay, while I'm at it, I'll buy my cosplay for your party Saturday."

"Costume. All you need is a regular costume." Mayumi told her sister as they walked off to find more stores. Leia gave her sister a cold stare, her eyes blinking rapidly at the statement she had just heard.

"I shall educate you in the culture you are so called trying to integrate into. First off, I did my research ma'am. My sister is now living in Japan, therefore I really am trying to learn all about it. Make the effort to do the same." Mayumi suddenly felt bored with being scolded by her sister. "Cosplay is a mixed word from the English language of costume and play. So more than likely cosplay is only used when you are in a theatrical sense. Now Halloween wasn't even popular to begin with here, that was recent thing. Yes, call it costumes all you want, but I will be sure to be going all out with this. I aim to not only be the prettiest, but also the best dressed. A contest shall be commencing at your club, end of story."

All Mayumi could give her sister was a disturbed face at how she had just been educated on something from Japan. Sure she knew the origin about the word cosplay and even Halloween, her sister was just very passionate about certain things. Leia was very excitable when it came to learning about Japan; both the people and the language. Truthfully, Mayumi was excited to have Leia study business, knowing exactly where she was going to put her sister if she so wished to join Mayumi in Japan.

Leia gave Mayumi and even more pointed look, waiting for her sister to reply. "Fine." Mayumi stated, the response giving Leia a large grin. She than skipped off, looking around to find the perfect place that sold nice outfits. The mall was located in Shibuya and sold some high end fashion statements. Mayumi and Leia did not spare any money when it came to clothing, so long as it was cute and fit them nice, they would pay. In all truth, according to Mayumi and Leia, Japan had the nicest clothing when it came to young adults and the likes.

Though glancing into the stores, she swiftly caught sight of a pink haired man being tailored for a suit. He was facing the other way, his arms stretched out and the bored look on his face visible because of the mirror he faced. It was small shop, but looked to be rather popular. Before Mayumi could make further contact with the man, she quickly twirled around to pull her sister along.

"What?" Leia asked as she tried to follow her feet along with Mayumi's pushing stride. She glanced around the mall, trying to find what the issue was. The high polished people who walked along the mall didn't seem to stand out, all of them minding their business. They were none the wiser to the two foreign girls, a select few also foreign compared to everyone.

There was a conflict happening however. Both Leia and Mayumi turned when a girl began to cry out in fear. There was a hallway that lead towards the bathrooms at the end, a couple stood off to the side. The girl seemed to be flinching, while a man held onto her wrists. Mayumi's eyebrows frowned more when she saw the facial expressions the woman was making, her blood seemingly boiling over from the assumptions she was making up in her head.

"Stay here, Leia." The younger girl didn't question her sisters command. She knew exactly what entitled when her sister spoke in a cold and demanding tone. While she watched her sister storm her way over to the seemingly arguing couple, Leia instead chose to look the other way, not daring to witness the side of her sister that was known to be a mafia head. She would try to find what she was looking for, in a store that was nearby.

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