She's the Boss

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"Miss Kim, what time is my next meeting?"

"Two in the afternoon, Ma'am, with Miss Lee. You are going to talk about your partnership with them so it is important-"

"Cancel it."

Dahyun blinks. Her eyes flicker from her phone where the woman's schedule is noted to the woman herself. "Pardon?"

"Cancel it. I have to meet Jeongyeon later."

"You just meet her yesterday," she couldn't help but say. She also canceled a meeting yesterday to meet with Yoo Jeongyeon, and she honestly didn't think it's healthy for the company if she keeps on rescheduling a business meeting for a friendly date, or who knows if it is more than that, when it could be scheduled some other time.

"And? I can adjust it if I want, Miss Kim. I can meet who I want."

Park Jihyo, aka Dahyun's boss, the owner of the biggest firm in South Korea, aka the strictest boss ever. She's the busiest, that even on Dahyun's supposedly weekend and rest, she'd send an email and call her. She's insufferable, but out of every person that came through her as her assistant, Dahyun is the only one who has spent more than a month working with her.

But it's not like Dahyun doesn't understand those previous secretaries, she does. Awfully. She experienced how hard it is to work with this woman. She often cancels meetings and will blame her secretary if a company will not sign with them. She will give her lots of work that sometimes it should be her who's supposed to do it.

Dahyun has already been murdering her in her mind multiple times, and she is really holding grudges against her sometimes. But she can't deny the fact that Park Jihyo is a hard-working woman. She has a lot of work to do, and those things that she's giving are just a small percentage of it. Her schedule is always full, and every hour of the day is filled with meetings.

She's also attractive. That's a fact and a marvel that she has actually even observed when all that she's giving her is a horrible attitude. She's beautiful and smart, and rich, and talented, and easy to go with, at least with her friends, and kind, sometimes that is. Dahyun always finds herself watching her sometimes and praising how beautiful she is when she's working. If she's not just a strict boss in the company, and a stubborn one as well, she might have developed a deeper crush on her more than she's feeling now. If her crush isn't any deep right now.

As of the moment, she's the stubborn boss. She keeps on adjusting her schedule, and if she's the one receiving the earful complaint from the company, it will be okay, but she's the one receiving those! And she keeps on apologizing on her behalf.

If it's another meeting, then she might agree, but she's trading a business meeting for... A date! She's not jealous, maybe slightly, but that's not the point. It's okay to date, to meet anyone, but if it threatens another company, then she should at least reschedule the least important. Isn't that how a boss of a huge company should think?

"That's not what I'm saying, Miss Park. Miss Lee's schedule with you has been continuously rescheduled, don't you think it's time to attend to her? She's been patient with you. We cannot let a huge partnership with them go to waste because of a"

Jihyo looks at her with squinted eyes, and really, she can feel her knees shaking under that gaze. It's like she's scrutinizing her because of her chosen words, at the same time, she is amused, for some reason.

Jihyo sighed, then sits straight. "Well, if you're very certain and pushy about meeting and acing this partnership with Miss Lee, then how about you meet her on my behalf?"

Dahyun looked at her with a confused look. "I am... pushy? I'm sorry Miss Park, but this isn't for me, this is for your company. You should be the one attending it and not me. Is meeting with Miss Yoo that important more than your partnership with Lee Companies?"

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